Metal and jewelry forging guides with Bobby Graham Mableton right now

Premium jewelry forging advices by Bobby Graham Georgia: From working in the garage, the garden shed, spare bedroom, the corner of your lounge to a rented studio – every space works, you just need to make it your own. We talk you through everything you need to get started, including jewellery making tools and jewellers bench options. We also show you our favourite customer workshop photos, revealing the variety of ways you can create your own space within your home or a rented studio. Discover extra details about the author at

Fine silver is pure 99.9% silver whereas sterling silver is 92.5% silver with the rest being made up of any alloy metal. Sterling silver has dominated the market and often gets termed just ‘silver’, fine silver is often used to describe what is actually just pure silver. Fine silver is softer than sterling silver so great for wire wrapping designs, it is also great for working with a flame as due to being slightly purer silver, it will not get fire stain after soldering. Gold is a desirable and malleable metal, being one of the most precious and expensive metals available. Using pure gold would be too soft for jewellery making, therefore gold is available in different karats and purities. Gold is also available as gold plated, gold filled and vermeil gold so there are plenty of options to choose from for your jewellery designs.

Best jewelry forging guides from Bobby Graham Atlanta: Set up your workspace: Set up a clean table space in an area with lots of light. Jewelry making tends to happen on a much smaller scale, so it is a good idea to have plenty of light and even a magnifying glass if necessary. Your workbench should be solid so that when you hammer, stamp, and work your jewelry, it doesn’t wobble. A comfortable seat is critical as a jeweler because you may end up sitting in it for hours at a time. Consider a chair that supports your back and neck. Set up your seat so that you are eye level with your bench peg, so you don’t find yourself hunching over your work. If you plan on sanding, soldering, or polishing, make sure you have plenty of ventilation, as well as safety goggles, a mask, and proper fire safety equipment.

If you’re at the start of your jewellery making journey, we always recommend practising and experimenting on copper and brass metals as they are an affordable option. Copper is an affordable and malleable metal, so it’s super easy to manipulate and create interesting designs with, which is why it’s often recommended at the start of your jewellery making journey. You’ll usually find that if you attend a workshop or course, you will begin with copper!

Determine the type of jewelry you want to make: The first step in making jewelry at home is deciding the project you would like to make. There are many possibilities when it comes to jewelry making, from casting precious metals to fusing glass pendants. Choose one medium to focus on first, whether it is wire wrapping or casting jewelry, and know that you can learn and experiment with other methods later. The skills from one technique will likely build on and apply to other jewelry-making processes. Search for inspiration: Get inspired! A simple online search, Pinterest deep dive, or shopping around jewelry stores will further prove that the possibilities are limitless! Start by getting inspired and determining the type of materials you would like to work with, whether it is metal clay or glass. You can then design your project and determine the types of materials, tools, and equipment you will need.

About Bobby Graham Atlanta: I’m a skilled metal forger and jewelry maker, and I love nothing more than creating unique and beautiful pieces with my hands. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and skills with others, and I’m always looking for ways to improve my craft.

Another passion of mine is celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day. I love the festivities and traditions that come with the holiday, and I enjoy participating in local parades and events with my friends and family. In my free time, I enjoy watching my favorite show, Arrested Development. I never tire of the show’s witty humor and lovable characters, and I’m always on the lookout for fellow fans to discuss the show with.