Day: February 23, 2023

Best Dubai desert safari right now

Best Dubai desert safari right now

Dubai desert camel safari and top travel tours today? A friendly smiley greet by the Desert guide at the pick-up point, get onto the 4×4 Land Cruiser and be driven out from the modern day high towers Dubai Skyline into the ancient Desert Dunes Landscape. The desert guide keeps you informed about the modern Dubai and the history, the lifestyle that is has so changed from history to modern. As you drive on the long route towards the Desert Adventure Activity zone at the Red Dunes Desert, the highest Dunes of Dubai in the area called Al Badayer, perfectly suited for hitting the dunes in a 4×4 land cruiser with a professional desert stunt guide. Our Desert Guide, who will introduce all the members taking part in the activity, after a meet and greet session, with giving you a moment to fresh up before we start the engines to hit the dunes. Feel the dune bashing and the skills of balance on the highest dune drift on the move for over 30mins. A 15mins of stop at the highest dune in the middle of the desert to try out the skills on a Sand Board Skiing and Sliding down from the desert Highest peak dunes. A mesmerizing view of the flat bed Desert Dunes perfectly suited to capture the clear sunrise into your cameras and allowing you to take drinking water, photos and videos saving the moment of memory to share with others. Find more details at Dubai desert safari packages. After a bumpy dune bashing, you might feel a bit tired but nothing to worry at all because inside the camp we have Tea or Coffee ready for you. You can relax while having it depending on your taste and carry on with your further entertainment activities.

For nighttime attractions, look no further. Opened in mid-2016, Dubai’s classy new opera building is the centerpiece of the waterfront Opera District in downtown Dubai and set to become the city’s major cultural hub and main entertainment venue. The Dubai Opera hosts a year-round program of famous musical theater productions, concerts by world-class musicians, opera, ballet, and classical music, as well as smaller productions, comedy nights, and concerts. The 2,000-seat theater building itself is an astonishing piece of architectural mastery and one of Dubai’s new landmarks, with its highly-contemporary glass and steel walls jutting out over the waterfront, built to resemble the curves of a traditional dhow.

Stretching over 13,000sqm, City Walk is reminiscent of European pedestrian precincts offering a pleasant vehicle-free stroll. Take a walk along tree-lined avenues with shops and restaurants, and look upwards to discover skyscrapers like the Burj Khalifa on the horizon. There are surprises at every turn as the district is also home to some of the city’s finest street art. Treat your family to an afternoon of fun at Hub Zero, an indoor entertainment centre that features virtual reality experiences, old-school arcade games and more, or catch a show at the Coca-Cola Arena. There are also fountains, children’s playgrounds and plenty of open-air seating.

Jumeirah Beach is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. The picturesque skyline and the white sandy beach will offer a perfect setting for a relaxed evening. The kite beach in Jumeirah is for the people who are serious about water sport activities. Kitesurfing, wakeboarding, and stand-up paddleboarding are some of the best activities to do here. However, if you would like to stay in the land, we recommend you play beach volleyball or grab some quick bites from food trucks or shops lining the beach. Or you can have an evening jog in the 14 km track. How cool is to see the fascinating animal creatures dance, juggle, play ball, jump through hoops? Dubai Dolphinarium is the UAE’s unique indoor activity stadium that features illusions and aquatic acrobats. On certain occasions, the guests can swim with dolphins, feed them, or train them to be your best friend. This Indoor Dubai Dolphinarium is not limited to mammals. There are 20 other species, including birds, cockatoos from Australia, and macaws from South America. Find extra information at

During the evening desert tour, never bring your alcohol. Every desert camp has its bar at the camp area from where you purchase and consume it. However, during Ramadan, bars are closed in desert camps. Going on to desert safari tour with a toddler/infants is not a good option until you book a private vehicle, so you can ask the safari captain to slow down if your toddler is not feeling comfortable. If you and your family are not comfortable with a live belly dance show, you can book a desert tour without belly dance; your safari captain will pick you from desert camp before the show starts; 2nd option is to book for morning desert tour. During the morning safari tour, there are no belly dance shows.

Top rated tank insulation services Medina

Top rated tank insulation services Medina

Water leak detection services Dammam 2023: We all go through a phase in life where we need professional help solving issues such as broken pipes, clogged pipes, leaking faucets, poor drainage, among others. As the property owner, you have the responsibility of finding the ideal company to help you solve the plumbing issues. Our team will offer inspection and advisory services to help you mitigate or eradicate some of the triggers that hamper the condition of your system. We also offer regular servicing and maintenance to help enhance the longevity of your system. A small issue can easily exacerbate to a massive extent that requires a complete makeover and replacement. It also implies that you’ll have to incur a huge cost, a scenario that could have been easily avoided. Find extra details at

In addition to labeling what’s in your boxes, add what room they’ll be going into, as well. When you arrive at your new home, unpack BY ROOM. The unpacking process will feel more manageable. And remember to label the SIDES of the boxes, not the tops. This way, you’ll be able to identify them even if they’re stacked. If you own items that you want to get rid of but are too valuable to just give away, start selling on eBay, Etsy, or Craigslist at least six weeks before moving. It’s an easy way to make you feel like you aren’t procrastinating, and you might be able to make enough money back to pay for the entire move itself. But it takes time for things to sell on Etsy and eBay, so you’ll want to plan accordingly.

Avoid spending large amounts of money on misguided works that actually reduce the property’s value. Kerb appeal is obviously fundamental when it comes to attracting buyers, so doing anything that messes up an older building’s appearance, no matter how well-intentioned, can be counter-productive. The prime example of this is artificial stone cladding glued to the walls, which apart from looking dire has a tendency over time to start cracking with bits dropping off, blocking windows and air vents. Widening and enlarging window openings can create an instant ‘character transplant’, and putting plastic fascias and windows into period buildings is one of the quickest ways of losing money by slashing their market value.

I always suggest going around your home and taking photos of your valuables and breakables before they get packed up. If for any reason things get broken, damaged or lost during the moving process, at least you have a record of them. (Just quick snaps on the camera on your mobile phone will be good enough). TIP – It’s worth doing this anyway for things in your house, as it can help with insurance claims if you get burgled or there’s a fire etc.. – I use the home inventory in my Home File for this. Decluttering is essential to do every now and then, but it’s even more important before moving house. Before even attempting to pack, you should decide what to sell, donate or throw out. You’ll be glad of it come moving day and believe us, the removal guys will be glad that they don’t need to shift your lava lamp, inflatable chair and broken down computers.

For our Saudi Arabia readers:

قم بتعبئة العناصر التي ستحتاجها أولاً في سلة بلاستيكية شفافة. وهذا يشمل أشياء مثل قاطعة الصندوق ، والمناشف الورقية ، وأكياس القمامة ، وأواني الأكل ، وأدوات الطهي المختارة ، وشرائط الطاقة ، وشواحن الهاتف ، وورق التواليت ، والأدوات ، وما إلى ذلك. يسمح لك الصندوق الشفاف برؤية الداخل ؛ كما أنها تفصل نفسها عن عدد لا يحصى من الصناديق الكرتونية.

حافظي على الأدراج سليمة عن طريق تغطيتها بختم Press’n Seal. تشبه أدراج الخزانة الصناديق المتحركة الخاصة بها – وهذا سوف يمنعك من الاضطرار إلى فك محتوياتها وإعادة تغليفها ، كما أنها ستجعل تحريك الخزانة الفعلية أكثر سهولة. هذه نصيحة رائعة عندما تنتقل. احصل على كيس بنزين أسود واجمع ملابسك المعلقة. ضع رباطًا مطاطيًا حول العلاقات لمزيد من الدعم إذا أردت. بمجرد وصولك إلى منزلك الجديد ، قم بتعليق ملابسك وإزالة الحقيبة. سهلة مثل الفطيرة

كشف تسربات المياه بالخرج انظر إضافي معلومات في . الماء جزء لا يتجزأ من الحياة لأنه يعزز صحة الشخص وإنتاجيته وصحته. نتيجة لذلك ، نحتاج جميعًا إلى نظام سباكة موثوق به لمساعدتنا في أداء الأعمال والأدوار الإلزامية. تحتاج أيضًا إلى مياه نظيفة للحفاظ على ترطيب أسرتك وإنتاجيتها وترطيبها. سيساعدك الحصول على السباكة المناسبة على إنجاز المهام بسرعة وفعالية. سيضمن مزود خدمة الأحساء أن العقار الخاص بك لديه الضغط المثالي لإمدادات المياه الخاصة بك ، مما يسهل عليك القيام بالأعمال المنزلية. ستتمتع بسهولة الوصول إلى المياه النظيفة متى احتجت إليها. إن الراحة التي تتحقق من خلال تركيب نظام مناسب تضمن موثوقيتك وفعاليتك.

يتضمن التجديد اتخاذ قرارات لا حصر لها ، منها التحسينات التي يجب إجراؤها واختيار التركيبات والتجهيزات ، وصولاً إلى مسار الخدمات الجديدة مثل السباكة ، أو كيف يجب أن تكون التفاصيل أنهى. يجب اتخاذ العديد من هذه القرارات بسرعة إذا لم تكن لتوقف العمل ، ولذا فأنت بحاجة إلى إتاحة الوقت لذلك ، بناءً على الحل الأكثر عملية وإرضاءً من الناحية الجمالية. إذا تركت مثل هذه القرارات للبناة ، فسوف يقومون دائمًا بكل ما هو أسهل وأسرع بالنسبة لهم ، وقد يبدو هذا فظيعًا. تكمن المشكلة في أنه بمجرد الانتهاء من العمل ، عليك أن تدفع مرتين إذا كنت تريد لاحقًا إجراء تغييرات وسيكرهك البناة أيضًا. يجب أن يحذرك البناء الجيد مسبقًا من القرارات التي يحتاجون منك اتخاذها. استمع إليهم ، واقضِ الوقت في زيارات الموقع ، وواكب السرعة.

يعتبر تفكيك منزلك مهمة ضخمة بحد ذاتها ، وهذه مهمة لا يمكنك سواك القيام بها. على هذا النحو ، لماذا لا تزيل الضغط قليلاً وتحصل على عمليات الإزالة للقيام بما هي الأفضل فيه – وهذا لتعبئة كل شيء من أجلك. بالنسبة لي ، هذا أمر لا يحتاج إلى تفكير لعدة أسباب: سيتم تأمينهم ضد أي كسر. يمكنهم القيام بذلك بسرعة! (من الرائع مشاهدة الخبراء أثناء العمل!). عادة لا تكلف الكثير (أقل بكثير مما تخيلت أنها ستكلف) ، وعندما تتحدث عن تكلفة النقل ، أعتقد أنها تكلفة تستحق العناء. إنه يحررك للإشراف على كل شيء. يقومون بتزويد جميع الصناديق والتغليف مما سيوفر لك الوقت والمصاريف

أقترح دائمًا التجول في منزلك والتقاط صور لمقتنياتك الثمينة والأشياء القابلة للكسر قبل تعبئتها. إذا تعرضت الأشياء لأي سبب من الأسباب للكسر أو التلف أو الضياع أثناء عملية النقل ، فلديك على الأقل سجل بها. (مجرد اللقطات السريعة على الكاميرا على هاتفك المحمول ستكون جيدة بما فيه الكفاية). نصيحة – من المفيد القيام بذلك على أي حال للأشياء في منزلك ، حيث يمكن أن يساعد في مطالبات التأمين إذا تعرضت للسطو أو نشبت حريق وما إلى ذلك .. – أستخدم مخزون المنزل في ملف المنزل الخاص بي لهذا الغرض. بمجرد قيامك بترتيب ممتلكاتك الشخصية والحصول على فكرة تقريبية عما ستلتقطه ، يجب عليك الآن حجز شركة الإزالة الخاصة بك. يمكنك محاولة القيام بذلك بنفسك ، ولكن سيكون ذلك بمثابة الكثير من الضغط والوقت الإضافي. ستتمتع شركة الإزالة بخبرة سنوات عديدة في تعبئة ومناولة وتحميل العناصر الرقيقة والثقيلة بعناية حتى تصل بأمان إلى منزلك الجديد. يعد التخلص من الفوضى أمرًا ضروريًا للقيام به بين الحين والآخر ، ولكنه أكثر أهمية قبل الانتقال إلى المنزل. قبل محاولة حزم الأمتعة ، يجب أن تقرر ما تريد بيعه أو التبرع به أو التخلص منه. ستكون سعيدًا لأنك ستتحرك يومًا ما وتصدقنا ، سيكون رجال الإزالة سعداء لأنهم لا يحتاجون إلى تغيير مصباح الحمم والكرسي القابل للنفخ وأجهزة الكمبيوتر المعطلة.

Genesis Marketplace tips and tricks and invite code by GenesisMarketInvite

Genesis Marketplace tips and tricks and invite code by GenesisMarketInvite

Top Genesis market invite code websites 2023: Genesis has been able to evade law enforcement because the operators are anonymous and have good operational security skills, said Caceres, a former hacker himself. “These are professionals who know how to cloak their IP address and traffic,” he said. “Some markets are run by amateurs, but they’re usually caught quickly. Genesis has been growing for several years with few, if any, of the typical mistakes that a lot of dark website operators make. These are pros.” Read extra information on

5 Things You Should Know About the Genesis Marketplace

The Genesis Market is an automated online store that sells credentials, fingerprints, web platform vulnerabilities, cookies, and various sensitive data that assist cybercriminal hackers in gaining initial access into the targeted victim network. Security researchers forewarn that with hundreds of thousands of digital identities listed, the Genesis Marketplace has become a go-to shop for threat actors planning to perform various cyber-attack techniques. Below we have listed five significant facts to know about this underground market.

Unknown Risk: Bypassing MFA Mechanisms with Stolen Browser Cookies It’s not only stolen credentials but also browser cookies for sale that poses a massive account takeover risk. Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is a layered method to improve account security on the web, VPN, remote desktop sessions, and almost any virtual environment. By introducing additional control mechanisms into the login procedure like a code delivered through SMS, users can improve their access to online accounts, thus stopping a considerable portion of impersonation attacks.

Multi-factor authentication can be bypassed with stolen browser cookies sold on Genesis Marketplace. For most digital businesses, user experience is prioritized. Browser cookies reduce the friction after a user has logged in to the application so that users do not need to reauthenticate often. Thanks to cookies, user sessions are usually valid for a longer time. However, threat actors have workarounds to evade this mechanism through stolen browser cookies. In bypassing attacks, a threat actor can use a stolen session cookie to authenticate web applications, bypassing MFA because the session is already authenticated.

The cookies purchased on the Genesis Blackmarket can then be imported into a control browser. Meaning they can use the online app for as long as the cookie remains active, potentially giving them sufficient time to move around laterally and access confidential data performing other actions as the victim. Current Statistics: More than 430 thousand bots are currently put up for sale on the Genesis Market. These bots are available in almost all countries. The figure below illustrates bot numbers available on the market for different countries.

Prices Vary by Country: Bots that automatically collect cookies and digital fingerprints are open on Genesis Marketplace for numerous countries, including Italy, the United States, Singapore, France, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Each bot has a multiplicity of accounts related to a compromised host. The Genesis bots’ prices range from $0.60 to the most expensive at $103.2.

Stealer Logs for Sale Automation: Cybercriminals use different attack methods such as the rainbow table, brute-force, and credential stuffing to capture passwords. However, more tech-savvy cybercriminals leverage the capabilities of info stealer malware families like Raccoon, AZORult, and RedLine. This malware can be distributed through mail phishing campaigns, malicious mobile applications, or a browser extension. After getting infected, the victim system becomes a part of the botnet. The bot owner has access to logs, files, images, system configuration, IP address, browser history, cookies, and other functionality such as taking random screenshots. The stolen data is automatically uploaded to Genesis Market, available to threat actors.

Among the raft of personal data (hacked from some of the world’s largest commercial sites, including Target, Marriott and Equifax) available for sale on the invite-only shop, the most popular are stolen cookies and device fingerprints. These digital profiles, planted on your machine after you log into a website or app, contain passwords and other personal information for services such as Gmail, Facebook, Netflix, Spotify and others.

There Are Competitors to the Genesis Marketplace: 2easy and Russian Market: The Genesis Market is not the only place where threat actors can automatically obtain cookies, web fingerprints, and vulnerabilities. Genesis Market has different competitors like 2easy and Russian Market. 2easy is a relatively new and reputable market, where the data sold appears to have been legitimately stolen, and the buyers are assured that data has not been previously sold. The Russian Market is also online market cybercriminals can use to collect attack instruments and sensitive data. Discover even more info on

Excellent service robot solutions from Navia Robotics Kettybot

Excellent service robot solutions from Navia Robotics Kettybot

High quality service robotics solutions from Navia Robotics Holabot: Navia Robotics is developing flexible, network communication schemes for robots to directly communicate with other robots within the same network to quickly calculate the shortest route and make rapid decisions. Such ad-hoc networking system reduces the overhead of a centralized computing system and allows individuals robots to make decisions on the fly. The service robot nearest to the point of demand can make its way over without affecting the operation or scheduling of other robots in the area. Read even more info at kettybot.

PuduBot features an industry leading visual SLAM solution for accurate location positioning and obstacle avoidance. In addition to the visual SLAM sensors, a LIDAR sensor ensures the PuduBot can react to the presence of obstacles in the blink of an eye. That means whether you have a dozen tables or a hundred, PuduBot will be able to go to the correct table consistently, making your job easier and not having to worry about any mix-ups with customers.

BellaBot is our most popular restaurant service robot and it is for good reason! For running food to the tables, there’s no better serving robot than BellaBot on the market. The most menial task for waiters and waitresses around the world is bringing food from the kitchen to the table, and it’s no wonder why. Dishes can quite large and heavy, and there are only so many you can stack on a tray. Piping hot dishes can be a burn hazard for both workers and patrons as they make way to deliver food to the tables. We’ve heard countless concerning stories from customers we’ve worked with of such injuries and burns happening in their restaurants and their search for a solution. That’s where BellaBot comes in to save the day!

Multi-table Delivery Mode and Cruise Mode: KettyBot can be used to deliver food to tables. Built-in queuing system allows you to punch in the destination of the food to two different tables for the two different trays. KettyBot can also be set to cruise mode to roam around the premises and catch the attention of passersbys. Built-in LIDAR and visual sensors allow for better obstacle detection, accurate positioning and safer operations. Internal mapping algorithms allow the KettyBot to find the most efficient route to its destination.

HolaBot comes with a paging function, a watch sized device to automatically page the robot to your location to save time by not having to track down the robot when you need it. Just wave your hand above the sensor on the top of the HolaBot unit to have the robot return to its base. No need to touch the return button if your hands are wet or dirty. Voice Recognition: Simply call out “Hola Hola” and the HolaBot robot will turn around upon arrival for easy loading and unloading.

BellaBot has multiple status lights to easily communicate the status of the device with the customer. Light interactions can also be customized for your specific needs. BellaBot has an integrated touch sensor to interact with the customer, bringing forth a new level of interactivity with service robots. Modular structure for quick disassembly and compact stowage. Sensors are embedded over the trays to determine if the tray is occupied or empty. Discover more details at

We’ve had the gracious opportunity to deploy numerous KettyBot units in the field and get feedback from many different restaurants on what the saw as the best case use scenarios for the KettyBot in their establishments. As the carrying capacity of the KettyBot is a bit on the smallish side, it’s ideal for smaller restaurants and cafes to use it for delivering food to tables and fit in tighter aisles, but for larger establishments, the KettyBot’s tray dimensions are usually a limiting factor. On the other hand, it has a large screen up front to display pictures and videos of the latest dishes and to promote upcoming events and sales, so larger restaurant owners have taken it upon themselves to try out the KettyBot to take patrons to their tables.

Metal and jewelry forging methods with Bobby Graham Georgia right now

Metal and jewelry forging methods with Bobby Graham Georgia right now

Quality jewelry forging guides from Bobby Graham Cobb: It’s all about using your space wisely, although you don’t need a huge space, it’s important that you have enough room to work safely and be able to store your tools and supplies. A spare room, garage space or shed could be the perfect solution. Just take a look at our customer photos with their jewellery workshops within this post for inspiration! Once you have decided where your workshop will be, then the fun can begin with your jewellery making journey. Find extra information about the author at Bobby Graham Atlanta.

Sterling silver consists of 92.5% pure silver with the remaining 7.5% being made of other alloy metals such as copper or steel, it’s harder and more durable than fine silver and can be used for a variety of things. This percentage can change depending on the quality of the sterling silver and the pure silver amount can be slightly less. Sterling silver sheet is sold in a range of thicknesses and can be used to make your own unique jewellery designs. You may see many jewellers sharing that they use eco-friendly silver in their designs but what does this mean? You can purchase Eco-friendly silver which is produced from recycled scrap silver in a totally traceable and fully audited process. It still has all of the same properties as sterling silver and therefore can be used in the exact same way as you would use sterling silver. This is an attractive product for today’s eco-aware jewellers who wish to label their goods as being made from recycled metals.

Jewelry forging solutions from Bobby Graham Atlanta right now: What type of jewelry should I learn to make first? If you are interested in getting started at home with a low startup cost, wire wrapping is the easiest type of jewelry to learn first. The startup cost is relatively low, and it does not require a major investment in equipment. You can teach yourself basic wire wrapping techniques through online video tutorials and guides. Beginner techniques in jewelry making covered here are annealing, texturing, stamping, filing, sanding, and polishing. Is it profitable to make jewelry? Every jewelry artist has started as a beginner at some point, so you too can become a successful jeweler with experience and business savvy. Like any business, there may be high startup costs to invest in equipment, studio space, and materials. It will likely take some time before you can turn a profit. If you are interested in being your own boss, perfecting your technical skills, and spending time developing your brand, you can be a profitable jeweler who adds beauty to people’s lives through your creations.

Plated Metals: An Affordable Option & Great For Beginners: Silver and gold plated metal is a popular choice for jewellery making beginners as it is an affordable option due to the small percentage of silver and gold present. Plated metal has a base metal such as copper, brass or steel which has been dipped into a bath of electroplating solution, in this solution there will also be lump of solid gold or sterling silver. An electric current is sent into the bath of solution and a thin layer of the precious metal is deposited onto the base metal. This creates a thin layer of gold or silver on the base metal.

Jewelry making dates back thousands of years and crosses many continents, with a rich history in personal adornment and symbolism. It encompasses many materials, from beads to wire, gemstones to precious metals. You may choose to embark on jewelry making as a hobbyist or even as a professional jeweler. This guide will cover different types of jewelry and how you can make jewelry at home. The different types of jewelry making: Jewelry making is the process of creating ornamental pieces worn for personal decoration or adornment. The materials can range from stone to precious metals, and the techniques are versatile and limitless. Various types of jewelry making incorporate different skills, so be sure to research the different types before you begin.

About Bobby Graham Cobb: I’m a skilled metal forger and jewelry maker, and I love nothing more than creating unique and beautiful pieces with my hands. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and skills with others, and I’m always looking for ways to improve my craft.

Another passion of mine is celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day. I love the festivities and traditions that come with the holiday, and I enjoy participating in local parades and events with my friends and family. In my free time, I enjoy watching my favorite show, Arrested Development. I never tire of the show’s witty humor and lovable characters, and I’m always on the lookout for fellow fans to discuss the show with.

Top hair beauty salon from Daniel Louis Salon right now

Top hair beauty salon from Daniel Louis Salon right now

Top haircare services with Daniel Louis Salon near me in New York: A master stylist who has trained intensively in many major cities, Dan is also the product of a large Italian family that taught him the value of compassion and kind-heartedness and nurtured his artistic creativity. He sees the beauty in everyone and uses that vision to bring each guest’s unique beauty to the surface. Use the hairpieces to show the density and richness of the hair. Thanks to them, the hairstyle will last longer. Add elements of braids and weaves, connecting them on the crown zone, after making a small pile for a more harmonious image. You can leave a few strands of hair falling out on your face so that the image remains light and fresh. This hairstyle is a great addition to the light, flying look. It will emphasize weightlessness and naturalness. A lush dress, a flying veil, a sprig of beads or pearls will make it even more attractive. Discover additional details at Daniel Liburdi New York.

If you’d like to achieve an ultra luxe look with maximum impact, pair a statement wedding veil with statement earrings. Just ensure your wedding dress is simple and there are complementary details across your accessories such as matching pearls or floral elements. Who says straight hair is just for everyday? The Kardashians, Gigi Hadid and numerous runway shows have inspired sleek and straight hairstyles for 2020. The thing we love the most about straight wedding hairstyles is they’re the perfect balance of modern and sleek styling with an effortless vibe. The reality to achieving a straight wedding hairstyle may not be as simple as first thought. Straight hairstyles do require some work with preparation to ensure minimal flyaways and of course your hair must be in great condition to begin with. But if you can tick both of these boxes, this is a next level look. A must have? A middle part and hair tucked behind the ears for a look says elevated modern luxe.

Haircare trends by Daniel Louis Liburdi the top hair salon in New York: A drugstore favorite, the Pantene Pro-V Overnight Restoring Serum is has a color-safe formula that is safe for chemically treated hair and is designed to work while you sleep. The active ingredient is castor oil from seeds of the Ricinus Communis plant, which helps smooth the hair cuticle and leave hair softer with added sheen. Our best overall pick is, Olaplex No. 5 Bond Maintenance Conditioner, which contains a patented bonding ingredient to repair and revive even the most damaged, brittle, processed hair. For a more affordable pick, consider the classic jojoba and avocado oil-infused 3 Minute Miracle Moist Deep Conditioner.

With the many beauty products available in the market, it is often difficult to decide which one is the best for us; however, these products are quite expensive and take a lot of effort and time to apply each day. The best way to be beautiful is the natural way; drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday, it hydrates our body and our skin. Eat green leafy vegetables that are rich in antioxidants to help you achieve that glowing skin. Always drink two glasses of milk everyday, it has the calcium and vitamins that gives your hair and nails that extra shine and gives you energy throughout the day, as well as help in maintaining your weight.

If you somehow weren’t convinced to chop off all of your hair into a bob in 2018, breathe a sigh of relief because the cut is still going strong in 2019. This year’s version of the bob is blunt and hits at the jawline, but when tucked behind the ear, you’ll get an A-line effect. It’s also great if you’re looking to make your hair appear fuller because de Zeeuw says the shape will make your hair look as thick as possible. “This style works best on straight hair, but if you have wavy or curly hair, it’s also a cool look,” she says. “You can alter this hairstyle for every face shape, too. If you want more volume on the sides (long face shapes), choose a jawline length. If you want to create length in the face (round or angular face shape) leave the length longer.”

Quality hair style services with Daniel Louis 2023: Curly Bangs, loves to experiment with her hair. We’ve seen the triple threat wear long waves, a red bob, and stick-straight strands, among other styles. But it’s her curly hair and matching curly bangs that are majorly trending. Stacy Ho, a hairstylist at Méche Salon in Los Angeles, believes bangs will continue to reign. “Everywhere we look, people are loving the comeback of the bang,” she says. “They can be cut to be soft, strong and chic, or short and edgy; and they come in so many lengths, shapes, textures, and styles.” Forget what you heard about curly bangs — with the right stylist, you can find the curly fringe for you.

Inspired by the ’70s revival and popular celebrities like Kendall Jenner and Karlie Kloss, a new shorter length is set to be the standout hairstyle for 2019. “I think we will see a move away from shattered and layered hair towards a blunter, sharper finish”, says influential stylist and Ghd ambassador Zoe Irwin. “I envisage it being a shift away from the mid-length boyfriend bob, which was so popular last season, to something more precise and above the shoulder, roughly halfway between your ears and the nape of the neck.” She says this blunt cut suits all face shapes, “because the length can be adjusted to flatter the face, while the bluntness can help thicken up thin hair and soften thick hair depending upon the way it’s styled”. In fact, done correctly, “it will do wonders for your bone structure and is often the gateway to an even shorter ‘do.” But, if you’re going for a drastic cut from long to short, ask your hairdresser to show you the different ways of styling your new hair, she advises.

Awesome Dubai morning desert safari right now

Awesome Dubai morning desert safari right now

Dubai evening desert safari and the best travel tours right now? Feel the swing as you ride over the camel across the dunes for over 30mins. A 15mins of stop on dune in the middle of the desert. A mesmerizing view of the flat bed Desert Dunes perfectly suited to capture the clear sunset into your cameras and allowing you to take drinking water, photos and videos saving the moment of memory to share with others. Post the swinging experience on a camel’s back, Our Guide drives you to the Desert Camp, where you take the feel of history, how Bedouin live their lives with a mouthwatering Continental BBQ Dinner, Live Entertainment Shows at the Camp and so much more. After a long soothing adventure and the activities are complete at the desert camp, the guide drives you back to your drop off destination and wishes you have a good stay with pleasure of thanks. Read a lot more details on arabian desert safari. You haven’t lived in Dubai if you’ve not tasted the delightful Arab delicacies. We will serve you with variety of Veg & Non Veg dishes which are already there for you to have for your dinner. We are also sensitive to our customer’s preferences, so you don’t have to worry.

Deira lies on the northern bank of Dubai Creek, and the winding streets here unveil the melting pot of different nationalities that have come to call Dubai home. On the shore, ancient dhows load and unload with modern banks, hotels, and office buildings as a backdrop. For travelers, Deira is most famous for its traditional souks (markets), which bustle with shoppers at all times of the day. Deira Gold Souk is world-renowned as the largest gold bazaar in the world. The Deira Spice Souk sells every imaginable spice, with stalls overflowing with bags of frankincense, cumin, paprika, saffron, sumac, and thyme, as well as the fragrant oud wood, rose water, and incense. The fish market provides a much less touristy experience. While in the district, culture lovers shouldn’t miss two of Deira’s finely restored architectural gems. Heritage House was built in 1890 as the home of a wealthy Iranian merchant and later became the home of Sheik Ahmed bin Dalmouk (a famous pearl merchant in Dubai). Today, it’s a great chance to see the interior of a traditional family home. The Al-Ahmadiya School, constructed in 1912, is the oldest school in Dubai and is now a museum of public education.

The aptly-named Kite Beach is the perfect spot to test out your watersports skills, but there’s plenty to do out of the water at this popular spot, too! Grab a smoothie from one of the many open-air cafes and restaurants just steps from the beach, watch bikers and skaters fly by at the skate park or get into a game of volleyball with your friends. With plenty of beach activities, plus an awesome view of the Burj Al Arab, it’s easy to spend the whole day here.

Dubai Safari Park is home to 2500 animals replacing Dubai Zoo and its 1,000 animals. It is one of the newest attractions in Dubai, which is sprawled across 119 hectares. The main aim of this attraction is to provide recreational and educational performance to the visitors. You will be transported in a solar-powered vehicle through these “villages,” namely the Arabian, Asian, African, and Safari Village. Al Warqa’s Dubai Safari is a haven for animal lovers. The park is eco-friendly that mainly uses solar energy for functioning. Besides, there are live encounters and themed sessions for adventure junkies. Both the tourists and residents admire the Walk and The Beach at JBR due to the neighborhood’s breathtaking sights. It is one of the district’s energetic atmosphere where people come for a walk, exercise, and jogging. The place is always abuzz with a lot of people. It is a one-stop spot for the movie, shopping, food, and beach — an excellent place to relax and rejuvenate. If you are tired of roaming around the city and exploring the touristy spots, you can sit back and relax at this place. However, it is worth checking out! See a lot more details on

During the evening desert tour, never bring your alcohol. Every desert camp has its bar at the camp area from where you purchase and consume it. However, during Ramadan, bars are closed in desert camps. Going on to desert safari tour with a toddler/infants is not a good option until you book a private vehicle, so you can ask the safari captain to slow down if your toddler is not feeling comfortable. If you and your family are not comfortable with a live belly dance show, you can book a desert tour without belly dance; your safari captain will pick you from desert camp before the show starts; 2nd option is to book for morning desert tour. During the morning safari tour, there are no belly dance shows.