Business management dashboard

Business management dashboard? Our vision behind iBizz is to come up with an intelligent business solution that is secure, scalable, unifies analytics to ease, and help decision making. Our mission is to design and develop a flexible system helping business to reach their visions and goals. iBizz believes that having less budget for managing a business effectively should not be a hurdle for any business to grow and achieve its desired milestones. So, we offer a solution with great value at a minimal cost. Read even more information at free small business management software. Enjoy Business Freedom: Enjoy the freedom of managing your business the way you want. iBizz makes it possible with the customization it offers.

Comprehensive workflow: The system creates an unobstructed workflow within and between departments, streamlining tasks from one department to another without the hangup of shifting data to a different application. Scalable software: As a business grows, their ERP/CRM system can grow with them, taking on high activity levels and more users without overloading or malfunctioning. The advantages of ERP are immense when the system is integrated smoothly and applied correctly within a company. That being said, some applications work better than others when integrated into one enterprise solution, and certain functionalities are left out altogether.

Save Time with Easier Access to Data: Time is a critical resource for any business. Today, companies are looking for every possible way to save time by making their processes more efficient. This is one of the biggest advantages of visual reporting. You see it in a way that’s easily understood, as reports summarizes the data to display insights for you. This helps all departments across an organization save time and be more proactive about how they utilize data. See additional information at

The Acronym CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. CRM is basically an approach that helps businesses improve existing customer relationships and acquire new customers faster. The way technology is seeping its way into reality, spending hours updating excel spreadsheets of contact info and sorting out stacks of business cards has become an old-school method. That’s where the CRM process comes into play! Why Do You Need a CRM Strategy? Having CRM for your organization is very very beneficial and let’s read how. The primary benefit of CRM is it helps you reduce the cost of the company, as every company nowadays is looking out for ways to cut down the cost. Therefore, Implementing a good CRM will help you with that.

Is about how once you start nurturing your leads, you’ll need to follow some best practices. But, what should you do? How should you pitch or do anything that makes your tips warm and force your prospects to book a call with you? Here’s exactly what you need to do: The most crucial strategy for lead nurturing is following the 80/20 rule. Now you might be wondering, what in the hell is this 80/20 rule? Well, it’s straightforward. You see, 80% of your nurturing and content should be value-added. Your leads will learn something, get free stuff, and start to get to know you as a company. On the other hand, the remaining 20% can be for selling. You can strike this 80/20 balance in two ways. You can spend 80% of your message adding value and bake 20% of selling into the end, OR you can keep 80% of your messages focused on value and one out of every five messages ( 20% of the time ). Finally, you can build in a statement focused on getting something in return.