Top fbx, blender and obj 3D models with

Best 3d models right now? Our 3D models are free for both commercial and personal use. no limits what so ever. Browse through 1000’s of 3D models and find what you need. We have multiple formats so any 3D software can use them. Most of the authors in our website uses blender as their main modeling software, so you will receive render setup in addition to 3D models. We offer unlimited downloads and does not require you to sign up or provide your personal information. Read more details at free 3d models by We have opened a new section for PBR textures, adding many PBR textures almost every day. Compatible with Node Wrangler: Our creators use blender for making 3d assets offered in and our pbr textures are compatible with the excellent blender addon Node Wrangler.

Blender’s sculpting tools can be used to control the silhouette of a character over the course of an animation: easy to draw, but hard to do with bones! One of the coolest uses for the sculpt tool was shown to me by animator and teacher Daniel Martinez Lara. Instead of just sculpting static objects, you can use it to tweak the shape of characters as they move over time in order to polish animations. This enables you to fix deformations, add extra stretching or change the outline of a pose – things that are hard to do with bones, but easy to draw. This only works in the very newest builds of Blender (2.56+). After animation is completed, go to Mesh Properties and locate the Shape Keys panel. Select the Basic key selected from the list and click the plus icon to add a new shape key. Next, move the playhead to a frame you want to tweak, click the pin icon and enter sculpt mode. For sculpting, I prefer to use the Grab tool for making larger shape changes, and then the Smooth tool to smooth out problem areas.

Like all 3d software, Blender is pretty complex and has thousands of features. No matter how long you’ve been using it, from time to time you’ll always find a new tool, shortcut or little trick that you didn’t know existed. I’ve been collecting that kind of tips for the last two years and posting them on my Instagram account Blender Daily. Here is a collection with 10 of my favourites. A really cool thing about Blender is, that it is constantly being updated. There’s a new version coming out four times a year with exciting new features and improvements. As awesome as this is, it also means that you always have to download new versions to stay up to date. But did you know, that this process can be automated? Install Blender from Steam or via the Microsoft Store and you’ll always get the newest version without having to manually reinstall. Another cool advantage of using Blender with Steam is the possibility to track the amount of hours you spend using Blender.

Last, but certainly not least: the simplest possible solution is usually the best one to choose for every part of your hard surface model, especially in the beginning. Small operations, clean meshes, and a principled approach are the best investments that you can make in your model. It’s worth remembering that you can always add another subdivision as you progress—once you’ve made the commitment, however, more geometry means that more of your labor and time will be required to modify what you’ve subdivided later on. This is probably the most compelling reason to follow this last tip—a low-poly foundation makes working in broad strokes much easier. Once you’re happy with what’s in front of you, you’ll be able to really dive in without wasting time.

You can create and render vastly more complex scenes by using [Alt]+[D] instead of [Shift]+[D] to duplicate an object. The new object will share the same mesh data as the original, reducing memory usage. Even better, any changes made to one object will also be applied to the others, enabling you to update hundreds of objects at once. When you can get away with it, avoid UV mapping by using a quick-and-dirty flat projection on basic geometry. You can create complex, realistic objects in minutes. In most cases, the result will still look the same from a distance. Read even more details at