The growth of a bookkeeping consultant : Arnold Ayton

Meet Arnold Ayton and some of his bookkeeping opinions? When starting a new company,?please also familiarise yourself with the rules governing addresses. For example, it must be a registered working physical address, where all communications from Companies House can be sent.?However, if you do not want your address to be publicly available, you can use an agent who will provide you with an alias address to use.?You may also?ask the person who handles your corporation tax, to be the recipient.? Finally, Standard industrial classification of economic?activities (SIC) codes give Companies House a description of your company’s type of business.??Congrats, you’ve set up a limited company! The key to having success with it?is?having trusted Accountants who can manage your finances,?remind you of important tax?dates ?and?ensure you are always tax compliant.

Arnold Ayton is qualified as a Chartered Accountant under the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA), although I currently hold a practicing license under the Institute of Financial Accountants (IFA). Arnie was a delight to get started with, seeing as we had a very messy backlog of transactions and incorrect payroll when we were doing it in house. He and his team helped us straighten out our accounting basics last year, and this year he has helped us apply for significant VAT rebates and R&D tax credits. He has helped our team explore new financial opportunities and has connected us with advisors who have proven to be very helpful. He’s a very straight-talking and friendly individual who is easy to get along with, and is clearly committed to his business and clients.

Arnold Ayton accounting tips in 2021: Do I need to keep meal receipts? It’s solid business practice to record all food and drink expenses and retain the receipts of these expenses. You should also keep a record book of reasons the journeys took place, such as staff training, meetings, etc. And for assistance with your receipt management and bookkeeping, don’t forget that Spondoo Bookkeeping makes things simple! The golden rule when claiming business expenses is that the cost must be “wholly and exclusively” for business purposes. So, where do you stand when it comes to food and drink? After all, everyone needs these things to survive. When does it become an allowable expense? Read on to find out when your business can claim food and drink as an expense.

Our accounting and bookkeeping packages include processing, preparation and filing of your VAT Returns to HM Revenue & Customs. You can find more information here ( This VAT Agent service focuses on organisations with increased complexity within their accounting processes. This could include overseas aspects, group registration for VAT, Making Tax Digital (MTD), multiple accounting systems or consolidated VAT Returns. is made up of a team of Chartered and Certified Accountants and bookkeepers, supported by our in-house software developers. We have years of experience across the finance industry – including in payroll, financial services and pensions – as well as in-depth knowledge of all the software that you use every day to run your business. Information provided on the site is merely guidance that may change in line with UK law and regulations. Users must not consider this to be financial advice or their sole resource when making any financial decision. Spondoo is a trading name for Accounting SQL Limited, authorised & license accounting firm under the Institute of Financial Accountants.