Category: Financial Services

Best phone micro-payments solutions

Best phone micro-payments solutions

Phone micro-payments services today: Why Choose ClickMicroPaymentCash? Mobile-Centric Approach: At ClickMicroPaymentCash, we recognize the importance and dominance of mobile transactions. Our platform is tailored to cater specifically to the nuances of mobile micro-payments, ensuring a seamless experience for users. Safety First: With the ever-present threats in the digital sphere, ClickMicroPaymentCash places paramount importance on securing your transactions. Our advanced encryption and security protocols ensure your micro-transactions remain shielded at all times. Discover additional info on

Why Set Sail with ClickMicroPaymentCash? Guarded Voyages: Navigating the digital waters is not without its perils. ClickMicroPaymentCash acts as both compass and shield, ensuring every treasure, no matter how small, is secured against pirates and rough tides. Charting with Precision: Every sailor values a clear, intuitive map. Our platform offers just that – an easy-to-navigate interface, guiding you to your desired destination with ease and clarity. An Open Logbook: Trust is the anchor of any voyage. Our promise is to maintain an open logbook, detailing every journey, every discovery, with unwavering transparency.

The Gentle Strokes of Mobile Micro-Payments – Much like the hushed tones of a twilight serenade, mobile micro-payments often fly under the radar. They’re the minute donations to a beloved content creator, the virtual trinket you purchase on a whim, or that premium filter for the perfect selfie. Small individually, yet when woven together, they form the enchanting narrative of our digital engagements. Why Entrust Your Threads to ClickMicroPaymentCash? Craftsmanship Par Excellence: With a keen understanding of the nuanced dance of micro-transactions, ClickMicroPaymentCash handles each thread with the care, precision, and artistry it deserves, ensuring a seamless blend into the tapestry.

In the grand theatre of the digital realm, it’s easy to get lost in the spectacle. However, it’s often the quietest notes, the subtlest moves that create the most lasting impact. 클릭소액결제현금화 or ClickMicroPaymentCash invites you to celebrate these unsung moments, these micro-transactions, and transform them into a magnum opus of tangible value. Join us, and let’s craft a ballet for the ages, one micro-payment at a time.

For our Korean guests:

디지털 자산의 새로운 변환 방법: 소액결제 현금화. 소액결제현금화클릭이 선보이는 혁신적인 솔루션은 휴대폰 정보이용료 기반, 디지털 자산의 안전한 변환을 위해 신속하며 투명한 방법을 제시합니다. 디지털 결제의 세계에서 ‘현금화’까지 – 기술의 발전은 소액결제를 필수적인 도구로 만들었습니다. 이제 우리는 ‘소액결제 현금화’라는 새로운 장을 열었습니다. 이것은 우리가 디지털 플랫폼에서 얻은 포인트나 금액을 현금으로 전환하는 서비스를 말합니다. 이러한 서비스의 중요성은 디지털 환경이 확산되면서 더욱 강조되고 있습니다.

다양한 투자 기회: 소액결제 현금화는 디지털 경제에서의 새로운 투자 옵션을 탐색하게 합니다. 디지털 경제의 확장과 소액결제 현금화 디지털 경제의 연결성 강화: 소액결제 현금화는 디지털 및 전통적 시장 간의 연계를 강화합니다. 글로벌 시장과의 시너지: 소액결제 현금화를 통한 국제 시장 접근은 더 큰 비즈니스 기회를 제공합니다. 개인의 금융적 자율성과 소액결제 현금화. 자산 관리의 자유: 소액결제 현금화를 통한 디지털 경제에서의 금융 자산 관리가 가능하게 됩니다. 긴급한 자금 필요 시 대응: 소액결제 현금화를 활용하면 디지털 경제 내에서의 긴급 자금 확보가 용이합니다. 소액결제 현금화의 투명성 및 안전성

신뢰를 바탕으로 한 업체 선택의 중요성: 소액결제 현금화 업체는 수십, 수백 가지로 다양합니다. 이 중에서 고객의 요구와 상황에 맞는, 신뢰할 수 있는 업체를 선택하는 것이 중요합니다. 이를 위해, 업체의 후기, 거래 이력, 인증 및 허가 여부를 체크해야 합니다. 소액결제현금화 방법의 다양성: 현금화 방법은 단순히 업체 선택뿐만 아니라, 거래 형태, 플랫폼, 거래량 등 다양한 요소에 따라 결정됩니다. 온라인 플랫폼, P2P 거래, 오프라인 현금화 등 다양한 방법을 검토하여 최적의 선택을 해야 합니다. 수수료와 처리 시간에 대한 이해: 소액결제 현금화의 경제적 이점을 최대화하기 위해서는, 각 업체의 수수료 구조와 처리 시간을 파악해야 합니다. 이를 통해 빠르고 경제적인 현금화를 경험할 수 있습니다. 세부 이 웹사이트에서 클릭소액결제 현금화.

현금화 수수료와 처리 시간 – 비용 대비 효율: 합리적인 수수료와 빠른 처리 시간을 제공하는 업체를 선택하면 시간과 비용을 모두 절약할 수 있습니다. 안전한 거래를 위한 팁 – 안전한 플랫폼 이용: 거래를 진행할 때는 암호화된 안전한 플랫폼을 사용해야 합니다. 개인정보 보호: 개인 정보는 최소한만 제공하고, 불필요한 정보는 제공하지 않는 것이 좋습니다. 소액결제현금화 전략과 최적화 방안 디지털 환경은 빠르게 진화하며, 소액결제는 이 변화의 중심축을 형성하고 있습니다. 온라인 거래, 스트리밍 서비스, 앱 구독 등 다양한 분야에서 소액결제의 역할이 커지고 있어, ‘소액결제 현금화’는 더욱 주요한 주제로 부상하였습니다. 이 글에서는 디지털 트렌드 속에서의 현금화 전략과 최적화 방안을 상세히 살펴볼 것입니다.

디지털 경제와 소액결제현금화의 상관관계 디지털 경제의 성장: 전 세계적으로 디지털 경제는 폭발적으로 성장하고 있습니다. 소비자들은 물리적인 상점을 방문하는 것보다 온라인에서의 거래를 선호하게 되었습니다. 소액결제의 활성화: 디지털 경제의 성장은 소액결제의 활성화를 촉진시켰습니다. 이제 소비자들은 다양한 서비스와 상품을 소액으로 이용하며 결제하는 경향이 있습니다. 소액결제 현금화의 필요성 유동성 확보: 소액결제를 통해 얻은 포인트나 금액은 때로는 현금화되어야만 실제로 유용하게 사용될 수 있습니다.

전통적 vs 현대적 방법: 전통적인 현금화 방법과 디지털 시대의 새로운 방법을 비교하며 장단점을 분석하는 것이 중요합니다. 국제적 거래의 고려: 글로벌 시장에서의 현금화 방법도 고려해보아야 합니다. 환율, 국제 수수료, 법률적 제약 등을 반드시 체크해야 합니다. 비용 및 수수료 구조의 이해와 최적화 전략 업체별 비용 비교: 다양한 업체와 플랫폼의 수수료 구조를 비교하여 이러한 최적의 조건을 찾아내야 합니다. 장기 계약의 장단점: 장기 계약을 맺을 경우에도 발생할 수 있는 숨겨진 비용이나 수수료를 미리 확인하고 준비해야 합니다. 현금화 거래의 안전성 강화

효율적인 현금화 방법의 탐색: 현금화의 방법은 다양합니다. 온라인 플랫폼을 통한 현금화, P2P 거래, 다양한 플랫폼과의 파트너십을 이용한 현금화 등 다양한 방법을 연구하고, 자신의 상황과 가장 맞는 방법을 선택해야 합니다. 수수료와 처리 시간의 검토: 소액결제 현금화의 또 다른 중요한 요소는 수수료와 처리 시간입니다. 가능한 낮은 수수료와 빠른 처리 시간을 제공하는 업체를 선택하는 것이 경제적으로 이롭습니다. 현금화의 안전성 확보: 업체의 선택 뿐만 아니라, 거래 과정에서의 안전성도 중요합니다. 개인 정보의 유출, 사기 거래 등의 위험을 최소화하기 위해 안전한 플랫폼을 이용하고, 거래 시에는 항상 주의를 기울여야 합니다. 디지털 환경에서의 소액결제는 계속해서 성장하는 추세이며, 이에 따른 현금화의 수요도 함께 증가하고 있습니다. 이러한 환경에서는 안전하고 효율적인 현금화 전략을 세우는 것이 중요합니다. 위의 안내를 통해 소액결제 현금화에 대한 깊은 이해와 최적의 전략을 세울 수 있을 것입니다.

디지털 혁명은 우리의 경제적 행동과 소비 습관을 크게 바꾸어 놓았습니다. 이 중 ‘소액결제’는 거의 모든 디지털 트랜잭션의 기본 요소가 되었습니다. 온라인 쇼핑몰, 스트리밍 서비스, 앱 구독, 모든 것이 소액결제의 영역으로 넘어왔습니다. 이러한 디지털 시대에는 소액결제 현금화 전략의 중요성이 어느 때보다 높아졌습니다. 그렇다면, 이와같은 어떻게 안전하고 효과적인 현금화 전략을 세울 수 있을까요? 소액결제의 본질과 중요성 디지털 경제와 소액결제: 디지털 기술의 발전은 소비자들에게 저렴한 가격에 품질 좋은 디지털 콘텐츠 접근을 가능하게 했습니다. 이는 소액결제의 수요를 증가시켰습니다.

High quality Digital collectibles solutions

High quality Digital collectibles solutions

Premium Digital collectibles provider: A love of digital art and a hope for its future gave birth to NiftyOcean. Our company’s founders, a group of blockchain evangelists and art connoisseurs, recognized the huge potential in using blockchain technology and decentralization principles in the realm of art and digital commerce. When NiftyOcean was introduced in 2023, the digital world experienced a fresh wave of innovation. Our goal is to empower creators, democratize access to digital art and assets, and offer a vibrant forum where originality and innovation are cherished and recognized. In order to facilitate direct, peer-to-peer exchanges that are advantageous to all parties, we are dedicated to lowering the barriers between artists and collectors. Find more details on Digital collectibles.

Real estate can also be tokenized—a property could be parceled into multiple sections, each containing different characteristics. For example, one of the sections might be on a lakeside, while another is closer to the forest. Depending on its features, each piece of land could be unique, priced differently, and represented by an NFT. Real estate trading, a complex and bureaucratic affair, could then be simplified by incorporating relevant metadata into a unique NFT associated with only the corresponding portion of the property.

Boxing superstar Floyd Mayweather Jr. and music mogul DJ Khaled once promoted Centra Tech, an ICO that raised $30 million at the end of 2017.6 Centra Tech was ultimately deemed a scam in court, resulting in the two celebrities settling charges with U.S. regulators, plus three Centra Tech founders pleading guilty to ICO fraud. Investors seeking to participate in ICOs should familiarize themselves with cryptocurrency and understand everything about an ICO before participating. Because ICOs are barely regulated, prospective investors should exercise extreme caution when investing.

Authenticity is the name of the game with NFTs. Digital collectibles contain distinguishing information that make them distinct from any other NFT and easily verifiable, thanks to the blockchain. Creating and circulating fake collectibles doesn’t work because each item can be traced back to the original creator or issuer. And, unlike cryptocurrencies, they can’t be directly exchanged with one another (like baseball cards in real life) because no two are the same.

There are many blockchain affiliate programs that pay you for referring new users to their platform. Affiliate programs are free to join. once you create an account, you’ll be given a special unique link. You can start sharing the link however you‘d like on social media, websites, blog, and forums. Whenever a person signs up or makes a purchase using your link, you will receive a commission. The biggest advantage is that it’s quick to start and begin earning money. Plus, money would keep coming in days, weeks and months, even years after you put in all that effort. If you already run a blog or website or have a huge following on social media, affiliate programs can be a great way to make some good passive income!

The variety of US individuals elevated from 12% in 2021 to 18% in 2022. Yet, lower than one third of the US inhabitants remains to be unaware of what NFTs are. Forty-three p.c of NFT individuals come from prosperous households with incomes of $100K or extra. NFT gross sales in major and secondary markets, excluding LooksRare, exceed $23 billion in 2022. Most NFT homeowners now purchase them for show on social media and collections. This is completely different from earlier in the NFT cycle, when individuals purchased and traded NFTs as speculative investments.

In fact, there may be more risk in failing to seize this opportunity today. That’s because all evidence suggests blockchain technology and cryptocurrency are becoming increasingly intertwined with traditional finance. As more businesses large and small adopt cryptocurrency, more e-commerce operations build their entire infrastructure on certain tokens, and more everyday investors add virtual tokens to their portfolios, cryptocurrency only solidifies its position in the marketplace. While the value of individual tokens can be highly volatile, there is reason to believe that the broader cryptocurrency market will become an increasingly stable and accepted part of the mainstream economy. Read even more details on

But these warnings are merely cautionary notes as you explore cryptocurrency. Because in reality, decentralized finance has gained rapidly in relevance over the last several years, and evidence suggests this mode of financial interaction is here to stay. The time is now to get on board or risk missing out on the opportunities inherent to cryptocurrency. But before we tell you why, let’s start with some basic information about blockchain, cryptocurrency and the DeFi landscape.

Since you don’t have to register for an account at a financial institution to transact with cryptocurrency, you can maintain a level of privacy. Transactions are pseudonymous, which means you have an identifier on the blockchain — your wallet address — but it doesn’t include any specific information about you. This level of privacy can be desirable in many cases (both innocent and illicit). That said, if someone connects a wallet address with an identity, all of the transaction data is public. There are several ways to further mask transactions, as well as several coins that are privacy-focused to enhance the private nature of cryptocurrency.

Quality NFT marketplace provider

Quality NFT marketplace provider

NFT for sale marketplace provider right now: Are NFTs Mainstream Now? So, with all the fuss made over NFTs, is it accurate to say that they’re now mainstream? This article makes a strong case for believing that NFTs are now baked into the public consciousness. It doesn’t hurt that a number of high-profile celebrities have ventured into NFT waters. While perhaps it may be premature to say “Yes, NFTs are definitely mainstream now,” if they continue on this trajectory, 2022 could be the year where we know that NFTs are here to stay. Although NFTs are created using the same kind of programming language as other cryptocurrencies, that’s where the similarity ends. Find additional info on Sell NFT.

Could you kindly provide me with information regarding the fees associated with utilizing NiftyOcean? At NiftyOcean, we implement a nominal transaction fee for every purchase or sale executed on our platform. These fees are essential to sustain and advance the growth of our platform. Please consult our ‘Fees’ section for detailed information on fees. Rest assured that NiftyOcean prioritizes the safety and security of our users’ personal information. Absolutely. At NiftyOcean, privacy and security are of utmost importance to us. Our company ensures that all personal data is stored in compliance with rigorous data protection guidelines. Rest assured that we prioritize the protection of your personal information and will never disclose it to any third party without your explicit consent.

Benefits of Non-Fungible Tokens: Perhaps, the most apparent benefit of NFTs is market efficiency. Tokenizing a physical asset can streamline sales processes and remove intermediaries. NFTs representing digital or physical artwork on a blockchain can eliminate the need for agents and allow sellers to connect directly with their target audiences (assuming the artists know how to host their NFTs securely). NFTs can also be used to streamline investing. For example, consulting firm Ernst & Young has already developed an NFT solution for one of its fine wine investors—by storing wine in a secure environment and using NFTs to protect provenance.

There is no guarantee that an investor won’t be on the losing end of a scam when investing in an ICO. To help avoid ICO scams, you can: Make sure that project developers can clearly define what their goals are. Successful ICOs typically have straightforward, understandable white papers with clear, concise goals. Look for transparency. Investors should expect 100% transparency from a company launching an ICO. Review the ICO’s legal terms and conditions. Because traditional regulators generally do not oversee this space, an investor is responsible for ensuring that an ICO is legitimate. Ensure that ICO funds are stored in an escrow wallet. This type of wallet requires multiple access keys, which provides useful protection against scams.

Cryptocurrency represents a new mode of doing business that removes certain fees, regulations, and risks from the global e-commerce sphere. In doing so, the numerous different digital tokens that have emerged (many promoting their own innovations around the use of DeFi) have invited massive speculation and investment. In addition to the massive growth in value of the original cryptocurrency token—Bitcoin—countless other currencies have emerged and generated their own value.

Many see Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as offering protection against inflation. Bitcoin has a hard cap on the total number of coins that will ever be minted. So, as the growth of the money supply outpaces the growth in the Bitcoin supply, the price of Bitcoin ought to increase. There are numerous other cryptocurrencies that use mechanisms to cap supply and can act as a hedge against inflation. With all the benefits cryptocurrency has over fiat currency and other asset classes, it’s hard to argue there’s no value in using or investing in crypto. The utility provided by many cryptocurrencies is of great value to many people who value fast and secure transactions. And, it’s only going to grow more accessible over time with fewer technical hurdles. Combined with the benefits of diversification and the potential to hedge against inflation, the benefits of adding crypto or crypto stocks to your portfolio start to add up.

One could make the argument that trading and investing are the same thing. But they’re often differentiated, to a degree, by time horizons—traders are looking to make a relatively quick profit, while investors may only make a handful of changes to their portfolios per year. Nonetheless, day trading can be another way to make money with blockchain currency, just like it is with stocks or other securities. Day traders buy and sell assets within the same day, in order to try and score a quick profit. This is a risky strategy since it’s hard to know how blockchain currency values could change in any given day or overtime. You can start day trading on any exchange today; all you need to do is to sign up, buy some assets, analyze, and you’re all set. You can also start trading through an automatic trading platform like bitcoin profit which allows users to decipher the signals emitted by the trends on bitcoin and other blockchain currencies and start to perform successful small trader.

With 1.5 billion social media users across the globe, it’s a market that must be taken advantage of by businesses online or those yet to move to a digital platform. What significant digital marketing trends are likely to occur in 2023? This guide will look at digital marketing trends likely to crop up in 2023 and how they could influence your marketing efforts. A digital marketing career path is becoming more popular, leading to more competition and brighter minds constantly changing the landscape, so adapting to a changing market is critical.

One of the best arguments in favor of investing in cryptocurrency—and for some, the primary impetus behind the use of blockchain—is that it allows for a type of transparency that protects all parties in a transaction. Because all cryptocurrency transactions are encrypted on a publicly distributed ledger that cannot be altered or manipulated, there are fewer likely investment risks as a result of regulatory obfuscation, internal falsification of financial data, incorrect valuations and the countless other discrepancies that cost investors billions on traditional exchanges. As Forbes explains to the novice crypto investor, “Imagine perfect transparency for the unicorns: a dramatic reset in valuation would be unlikely if all of the company’s finances were transparent from the outset and potential investors scrutinized their viability. Balloon spikes would happen much less frequently, and all constituents would be better served.” In this way, cryptocurrency has emerged as a solution for many of the problems plaguing a deeply flawed traditional finance system. And in doing so, it has created a new layer of protection for the everyday investor. Find even more details on

Best rated mortgage broker solutions

Best rated mortgage broker solutions

Further advance mortgage help and advice today: How do mortgages work? Once you get a mortgage, you pay back the amount you have borrowed, plus interest, in monthly instalments over a set period, usually around 25 years. Some mortgages in the UK have longer or shorter terms. The mortgage is secured against your property until you have paid it off in full. This means the lender could repossess your home if you fail to repay it. In the UK, you can get a mortgage on your own or take out a joint mortgage with one or more people. See extra details on short term mortgage

How do mortgage deposits work? You have to pay for part of the property yourself, and this amount is called the deposit. It is shown as a percentage of the property’s value, so if you bought a house for £200,000, a 10% deposit would come to £20,000. Your mortgage provider will lend you the rest, which is called the loan to value (LTV). In the above example a 90% LTV mortgage would cover the remaining £180,000, which would be the amount you owe your lender.

Why are you seeking a personal loan? Is it to renovate your house? Is it to repair your car? or is it for an event such as a wedding? Knowing exactly how the funds will be spent will help you narrow down potential lenders. Not all lenders give you the freedom to use their funds in any way you like. Some lenders tend to limit or restrict the use of funds for certain purposes. For example, Payoff only allows funds to be used for credit card debt consolidation.

Assessment of the Total Cost: Interest is not the only cost associated with personal loans. Some other types of costs include prepayment charges, penalties, and processing fees that you must take into account as well. Assessing such costs will allow you to plan and manage your personal loan better. Interest Rates: Personal loan interest rates are usually high, starting from 11.49% to going as much as 25%. But there is more to it. You will need to ask about and understand the nature of the rate of interest. Most banks offer fixed interest rates but some also offer a reducing balance interest rate. This can significantly affect your monthly EMI to repay the loan.

Running a business, while rewarding, isn’t easy. Entrepreneurship is inherently risky, and 20% of small businesses fail within the first year. 50% fail within five years, and only 33% of companies make it ten years or longer. To safeguard your business, it’s important to know exactly what can lead to business failure and how you can avoid it. Lack of capital funding. Let’s face it. Having a business requires money. The best-case scenario is for the business owner to be intimately aware of how much it costs to keep the operation running from day-to-day. However, some business owners are less in tune with how much revenue is generated, and this disconnect can lead to failure.

What’s an agreement in principle or a mortgage in principle? When you start looking for a property to buy, the estate agents may ask you for a mortgage in principle, or otherwise known as an agreement in principle. A mortgage in principle is a certificate from a mortgage lender confirming how much they will lend you based on your income and outgoings, your credit history and if you meet their lending criteria. Whilst it doesn’t guarantee that a full mortgage application will be approved, it does give an indication that you should be accepted, and it shows that you are serious about buying and ready to start the process. Read extra details on

What are the advantages for AI startups to hire a fractional CFO by Sam McQuade CFO today

What are the advantages for AI startups to hire a fractional CFO by Sam McQuade CFO today

What are the advantages for AI technology startups to hire a flexible CFO by Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance in 2023: Make More Informed Business Decisions: Having a fractional CFO on your team can be incredibly helpful when making financial decisions. The amount of financial data companies require, and track can be overwhelming. Instead of getting lost in the numbers, you can focus on making data-backed decisions based on what your fractional CFO provides. They analyze current and historical data to provide transparency and definitive information. Financial projections come into play here, too. Read even more info on

Enter the fractional CFO. For companies not mature enough to warrant a full-time CFO position, they can bring in specific expertise to help on varied projects covering the financial and strategy spectrum. When different CFO role elements are required on an intermittent basis, it’s time to bring in fractional talent. What Types of Projects Can a Fractional CFO Help Resolve? The projects a fractional CFO can assist with are multi-disciplined and split between financial and non-financial duties. The role of the CFO is complex and can be unbundled into specific pain points and influence areas.

Fractional CFOs can help companies: Develop detailed short-, mid-, and long-term financial forecasts; Prepare budgets based on forecasts; Analyze potential future products, services, markets, and customer segments. Helping Manage Growth: Fractional CFOs are also helpful in scaling a business, ensuring profitable growth as the business becomes more complex. This work involves reinventing the tools, processes, and vendor relationships the business uses to deliver value to an ever-growing and increasingly diverse set of customers. This is often called “bridging the chasm”, as most companies start to see declining margins and increasing headaches as they grow revenue past a certain threshold.

Do you want to hire your first CFO or wanting only some interim coverage? We offer solution CFOs for immediate very short term objectives and longer term engagements. Adaptable with transparent pricing so you solve the needs of your business and don’t have to rush into a potentially bad solution and costly full time hire. Sam McQuade CFO has successfully scaled his decades old ideas into an innovative full-service Financial Partner Solution for incubators, startups, emerging business concepts as well as well-established international companies, corporations and organizations with the introduction of Panterra Finance. The Panterra Finance professional executive team members are equipped to provide an industry leading concept of an on demand Fractional CFO and Interim CFO during pivotal transitions.

With technological advances disrupting job descriptions, the organization will have its share of fear and resistance. Given the close collaboration between finance and information technology, the CFO is in a unique position to anticipate the future needs of organization and help mentor people with their reskilling into other growth areas. What else do you think CFOs can be doing now to adapt to the future? I’d be very grateful if you provide your comments and share your thoughts. Thank you!

Are a CEO and a CFO the Same Thing? No, a CEO and a CFO are not the same thing. However, CFOs are required to work closely with the other senior executives of a company, such as the CEO. These executives are sometimes referred to as the C-Suite of the company, representing the company’s highest level of decision-making. Although the CFO is typically subordinate to the CEO in the corporate hierarchy, CFOs will generally be the foremost decision-maker on all matters within the Finance department of their firm.

Internal factors include sales trends, labor and HR-related costs, the price of raw materials and more, while external data inputs could include opportunity cost for capital, shifts in market demand, emerging competitors and advances in technology. To monitor the external environment, CFOs may rely on government data, analyst firms and business and general media, supplemented with insights gleaned through trade and association memberships and the input of board members, lenders and others.

Before getting into how your business can benefit from a DAO, let’s take a look at some examples of real-life DAOs. Uniswap is a decentralized exchange built on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows users to trade tokens without the need for a centralized exchange. The Uniswap team has created a smart contract that governs the exchange. The smart contract automatically matches buyers and sellers and executes the trades. Anyone with a UNI token can participate in the governance of the Uniswap exchange.

As you enter each new geography, we help you adhere to the relevant regulatory requirements and stay compliant. In a world that is rapidly changing, we help you identify what that change means for your business and what measures you need to employ to protect it from a range of risks in the new economy.

The most important thing to understand about a DAO is that it is autonomous. This means that it can exist and continue to function without any human intervention. Once the code is written and deployed, the DAO will continue to run according to the code that governs it. This is made possible by the fact that smart contracts are immutable. This means that they cannot be changed or altered in any way once they have been deployed to the Ethereum blockchain. The DAO’s basic idea, while intriguing, is also fascinating, and it represents a point where technology trends such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and the internet of things (IoT) are coming together to provide fresh possibilities.

A CFO can improve the decision-making process by bringing facts, solid numbers, and asking the right questions. Another benefit to the business owner is the fresh perspective and insights brought by the CFO. This can have the added effect of making life a little less lonely for the entrepreneur. The CFO can be a sounding board and trusted advisor for new ideas and initiatives. Stakeholders such as investors, lenders and creditors react positively to the knowledge that a professional CFO has been retained. This takes on an added degree of importance when looking for outside investment, debt financing or positioning the company for sale.

Smaller companies, incubators and startups could not match the salaries that the full time CFO commanded on the world financial stage. The seeds for the concept of an Interim or Fractional CFO were planted in the mind of Sam McQuade almost 3 decades ago when he first entered the world of International Finance as an Entrepreneur Consultant in Geneva Switzerland after achieving his MBA/MA at European University. During this tumultuous time at the turn of the century on the international financial scene, Mr. McQuade was ahead of his time. He offered as needed financial consultation services for international behemoths the Swiss based Nestle Corporation and the US based medical device corporation Stryker. The focus of his services, which would years later be foundational in the concepts of Panterra was a new model in product development, manufacturing and marketing. Find more info on

AI startups benefits when hiring a interim Chief Financial Officer from Sam McQuade CFO in 2023

AI startups benefits when hiring a interim Chief Financial Officer from Sam McQuade CFO in 2023

Top advantages to hire a fractional CFO by Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance: Generally, between $10 million and $50 million of revenue is when financial functions gain more complexity. When revenue is scaling up at this fast-moving stage, there is likely a need to establish long-term stability on the finance team. With growing investor relations and capital markets needs, hiring a full-time CFO becomes necessary to handle the responsibility. In later-stage funding events, investor terms may state that a CFO must be hired upon completion of the round.

Access To Financial Tools And Resources: Fractional CFOs are experienced professionals who know how to get the most out of financial tools and resources. They can help you access the right tools, such as financial software and data analysis tools, to streamline multiple finance-related processes. For example, accounting software alleviates manual entry and daily tasks needed for proper accounting. Fractional CFOs research options thoroughly to pick the right software for your startup. Discover more details at Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance.

Searching to hire your first CFO or wanting only some interim coverage? We offer CFOs for urgent short term objectives and longer term engagements. Adaptable with fair pricing so you cover your business and don’t have to get into a potentially bad and costly full time hire. Sam McQuade CFO has successfully scaled his decades old ideas into an innovative full-service Financial Partner Solution for incubators, startups, emerging business concepts as well as well-established international companies, corporations and organizations with the introduction of Panterra Finance. The Panterra Finance professional executive team members are equipped to provide an industry leading concept of an on demand Fractional CFO and Interim CFO during pivotal transitions.

The CFO relies on the reporting generated by accounting and the financial controller to advise the CEO and board on the company’s strategic financial direction. The controller and other functional specialists report to the CFO. What informs the need for a CFO is less company size than a desire for a strategic adviser with deep financial expertise. CFOs are captains of a team that covers both accounting and finance and consists of senior leaders, such as controllers and VPs of finance, and operational staff — accountants, bookkeepers, tax specialists, data analysts. Serving as a CFO requires a background in accounting or finance and an advanced business degree, generally including an MBA. But it also takes plenty of soft skills.

The CFO helps select skilled staff for the finance team and works with departments to allocate budget for human capital management. CFOs put complex data — current, past and predicted financial results — in perspective and help the CEO make sound financial decisions: Should we introduce this new product or service? Can we afford to on-shore our supply chain? What are the tax implications of our employees working from anywhere?

The option of working from anywhere in the world is another advantage of a DAO. In a traditional organization, you have to be physically present in order to participate in the organization. With a DAO, you can participate from anywhere in the world. All you need is an internet connection. There are many other examples of DAOs, and there are many different ways in which they can be used. The possibilities are endless, and it is up to the creativity of the developers to come up with new and innovative ways to use them.

As you enter each new geography, we help you adhere to the relevant regulatory requirements and stay compliant. In a world that is rapidly changing, we help you identify what that change means for your business and what measures you need to employ to protect it from a range of risks in the new economy.

Understanding DAO: Now, suppose the same transaction happens on a decentralized network like the Bitcoin network. There is no central entity here. Both parties can interact with each other directly. The product is transferred from A to B, and $100 is transferred from B to A. This transaction is then recorded on a digital ledger which is available to everyone in the network. So there is complete transparency, and everyone knows that the transaction has taken place. This process of recording transactions on a digital ledger is what we call ‘blockchain technology.’ This is not limited to just financial transactions; it can be used to record any kind of transaction. Now that we know what blockchain is, let’s get back to DAO.

The answer is to bring in a qualified CFO to work closely with the CEO or business owner. The CFO must embrace the vision, but also translate this into the operational and financial framework to achieve success. Dealing effectively with stakeholders is another key function. This includes managing expectations, presenting financial information, and understanding the varied and legitimate interests of owners, creditors, and lenders.

Vision, Roadmaps and Business Plans are typically good collaboration processes, however alignment on meaningful strategy is driven by relationships and the CFO cannot over-communicate in this area. In an era of “greenwashing”, the CFO has a real opportunity to lead since success will ultimately be measured with scorecards and transparency. Sharing the Sustainable Story with financial support is the most credible way for stakeholders to see progress.

Smaller companies, incubators and startups could not match the salaries that the full time CFO commanded on the world financial stage. The seeds for the concept of an Interim or Fractional CFO were planted in the mind of Sam McQuade almost 3 decades ago when he first entered the world of International Finance as an Entrepreneur Consultant in Geneva Switzerland after achieving his MBA/MA at European University. During this tumultuous time at the turn of the century on the international financial scene, Mr. McQuade was ahead of his time. He offered as needed financial consultation services for international behemoths the Swiss based Nestle Corporation and the US based medical device corporation Stryker. The focus of his services, which would years later be foundational in the concepts of Panterra was a new model in product development, manufacturing and marketing. See extra info on Sam McQuade.

Fractional CFOs can help companies: Develop detailed short-, mid-, and long-term financial forecasts; Prepare budgets based on forecasts; Analyze potential future products, services, markets, and customer segments. Helping Manage Growth: Fractional CFOs are also helpful in scaling a business, ensuring profitable growth as the business becomes more complex. This work involves reinventing the tools, processes, and vendor relationships the business uses to deliver value to an ever-growing and increasingly diverse set of customers. This is often called “bridging the chasm”, as most companies start to see declining margins and increasing headaches as they grow revenue past a certain threshold.

Real estate property agency Istanbul in 2023

Real estate property agency Istanbul in 2023

Best villa real estate agency Istanbul: Chasing the market and waiting for prices to drop based on inaccurate news will only result in missing out on investment opportunities. If you have gathered information from multiple professional real estate consultants, it is natural to meet with all of them when you visit Istanbul. We recommend starting with the one you assess as the most professional. Negotiation is a precise and complex process, especially in the Turkish real estate market. Ensure that the most skilled negotiator is someone with extensive experience in the market, who has conducted the most sales transactions and has the best reputation. Do not compromise when choosing a property. If a consultant (often a female consultant) recommends a property that you believe is not suitable for you, do not buy or even reserve the property unless you are 80% sure it is suitable for you. The result we see from our daily experiences is either purchasing an unsuitable property due to the client’s reluctance to contradict the sales representative or reserving an unsuitable property, leading to problems with canceling the reservation and refunding the reservation fees. Sometimes clients completely change their minds due to a situation they encounter. Read more info on how to buy a home in Istanbul.

Flexibility is required when you come across a property that suits you almost perfectly but is slightly above your budget. Also, if your plan is to sell a property you bought three years ago this year, but the market is suffering from inflation and stagnation this year, selling your property despite that will result in the loss of your profits or a significant portion of them. Thus, the time of stagnation is a time for buying new properties at reduced prices or waiting, and it is never the right time to sell your property.

Many beginners in real estate investing in Turkey are looking for quick profit, which makes them rush in their decisions and they often end up in loss. The real estate sector is one of the most growing sectors in Turkey which provides all investors with a good investment return, but the key to success in this sector is time. Investor’s efforts must first be based on understanding the market and then choosing the best property in terms of region and quality. Then wait, as one real estate investment expert says. “Real estate investors are the only ones who make money while they are asleep.”

Whereas London is already one of the world’s premier cities, the Turkey 2023 vision plan aims to boost Istanbul to equal status, and this gives real estate investors the edge. In 2016, Barnes International also ranked Istanbul as the number one city for potential. Gone are the days, when we buy a house for life. Changing lifestyle habits as well as work and career commitments means selling a house is just as important as buying it. Studies say current generations will own an average of three different houses in the lifetime, hence buyers are also hedging their bets when it comes to selling and that is where the Istanbul real estate market steps up.

Istanbul, Turkey tourism is one of the top reasons to invest in Turkey. Hagia Sophia is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. It was once a church and a mosque but is now one of the most visited museums in the world. For 916 years it was a church and then following the conquest of the Sultan Mehmed, it was converted into a mosque and remained so for 482 years. In 1935 it was converted into a museum and visitors can enter daily to see the mosaics, calligraphy, tiles and Sultan’s lodge.

Finally, as for the lands near the new Istanbul Canal, it is a very risky investment project that is not recommended for someone who owns a property for the first time in Turkey and wants to obtain Turkish citizenship. For more information about Istanbul Canal, read: Canal Istanbul project and its impact on real estate investment. So, what is the solution to get a successful real estate investment while obtaining Turkish citizenship? The amount of real estate investment to obtain Turkish citizenship was reduced to $ 250.000, according to what was issued in the Official Gazette on September 19, 2018, after it was previously worth one million dollars.

Right Home is a leading company specializing in real estate consultancy and brokerage. We help buyers to buy and sellers to sell. We provide luxury apartments, smart homes, elegantly designed offices, modern constructions and all consultancy services. Our head office located in Istanbul, Turkey. Our goal is to earn your trust and make sure you are comfortable with the process of buying a home in Turkey from start to finish. The summers in Istanbul are scorching, and the winters here can be snowy. Therefore, the best time to go to Istanbul is during the spring (April – May), during which the sky is clear, and the weather is beautiful. The fall season will also give you a pleasant temperature, so another best time to visit Istanbul is from September to mid-November. Many people come to Istanbul for their summer vacation. The weather during this season is quite lovely, though it can be warm sometimes. And, during the summer, the city is packed with lots of tourists, so it will be more difficult to enjoy all those Istanbul tourist attractions. The rates of hotels in Istanbul are also rocketing during the summer.

Right Home has been distinguished since its establishment by its special attention to customers, especially after completing the deal with the client, as after-sales services extend to several years, regardless of the size of the property that the customer acquired. At a time when we daily see dozens of customers who do not find after sales services, this exists in Right Home company, regardless of the size of the deal they made with other companies. Read even more details at

What are the advantages for Tech startups to hire a interim CFO with Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance

What are the advantages for Tech startups to hire a interim CFO with Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance

Sam McQuade CFO talking about interim Chief Financial Officer benefits for IT these days: Running out of cash is one of the top reasons why startups fail. Besides having a tight grip on company finances and cash flow management, a growing company will need capital injections to grow or to sustain operations in a downturn. Fractional CFOs can assist with fundraising (typically starting at Series B) or with debt (e.g., negotiating bank loan terms). Because of their blend of financial acumen and strategic insight, they can expertly parse the numbers being negotiated and help plan where the investment can take the business.

Make More Informed Business Decisions: Having a fractional CFO on your team can be incredibly helpful when making financial decisions. The amount of financial data companies require, and track can be overwhelming. Instead of getting lost in the numbers, you can focus on making data-backed decisions based on what your fractional CFO provides. They analyze current and historical data to provide transparency and definitive information. Financial projections come into play here, too. Find extra details at Sam McQuade CFO.

Do you want to hire your first CFO or need interim coverage? We offer solution CFOs for immediate very short term projects and longer term engagements. Adaptable with fair pricing so you cover your business and don’t have to rush into a potentially bad solution and costly full time hire. In disrupting the traditional contracted title of CFO, Panterra Finance innovatively offers all its clients thought leadership based on international financial market experiences. Panterra Finance offers a unified international approach to businesses in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Eight centrally located offices in the USA, Switzerland, the Middle East, and the emerging African Continent, offers global enterprises Fractional and Interim CFO services backed by a team with a grasp of dynamic world trends.

The CFO reports to the CEO but remains one of the key personnel in any company. In the financial industry, it is a high-ranking position, and in other industries, it is usually the third-highest position in a company. People in this role have significant input in the company’s investments, capital structure, and how the company manages its income and expenses. This corporate officer may assist the CEO with forecasting, cost-benefit analysis, and obtaining funding for various initiatives.

Strategy and forecasting involves using available data and reports, both internal and external, to advise on areas including product development, market expansion, human capital management, M&A and capital investments. It’s also where structured planning and forecasting exercises, like scenario planning and FP&A, fall. Controllers, treasurers and FP&A analysts are invaluable members of the team, but in all these areas, the buck stops at the CFO’s desk.

The option of working from anywhere in the world is another advantage of a DAO. In a traditional organization, you have to be physically present in order to participate in the organization. With a DAO, you can participate from anywhere in the world. All you need is an internet connection. There are many other examples of DAOs, and there are many different ways in which they can be used. The possibilities are endless, and it is up to the creativity of the developers to come up with new and innovative ways to use them.

We are your ally in managing business risks. In a world that is rapidly changing, we help you identify what that change means for your business and what measures you need to employ to protect it from a range of risks in the new economy.

The last two to three decades have seen a paradigm shift in the lives of almost everyone. The Internet and the web particularly have given a whole new meaning to the way we communicate and interact with each other. Web1.0 was all about connecting people and devices. Web2.0 was all about connecting people with each other. Recent years have seen the development of Web3.0 which is an entirely different ball game. Web3.0 is all about connecting people with machines and devices to create a more efficient and trustworthy internet. This new web is built on the back of blockchain technology which allows for decentralization, transparency, and security. One of the most exciting applications of this technology is the DAO or decentralized autonomous organization. With everything Web3.0, some concepts are harder to understand than others for now. With increased adoption, they will enter the mainstream sooner.

This differs from the services traditionally provided by the external CPA who focuses on audits, reviews, taxes, and compliance work. Although valuable and very necessary, this work is more “backward-looking” in nature ensuring that past events are correctly reported and accounted for. The CFO however, is more focused on the “forward-looking” aspects of the finances, to help chart the course and ultimately navigate the business to success.

The CFO function is evolving at lightspeed. With digital transformation and societal changes, the CFO role is rapidly turning into one of a “Chief Fiduciary Officer”, which is going beyond the traditional financials to look towards the future and lead long term value creation in a world of many unknown risks. Storytelling is a very powerful tool to engage and energize teams about value creation and potential pitfall areas. The traditional path of CFO usually starts with a solid foundation based on technical knowledge and then after about 15 years, the great leaders earn the coveted title.

In these early years of creating innovations in the corporate C-Suite, Sam McQuade nurtured and created a maverick approach to new finance operations for Stryker as it broke through to the lucrative emerging markets in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)). While approaching the markets in the growing economies of Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia and Romania, Sam McQuade was recognizing the need for Interim and Fractional CFO’s for the avalanche of incubators and startup companies in these underdeveloped economies that were on the cusp of being integrated into modern International Finance systems and markets. See extra info on Sam McQuade CFO.

Fractional CFOs can help companies: Develop existing employees and hire new ones that bring essential knowledge and skills; Implement systems that will support sustainable growth; Improve visibility and analytical capabilities to convert large amounts of data into actionable information; Explore causes of revenue leakage, cost overruns, and operational friction in a growing business and develop potential solutions. A fractional CFO is also often brought into an organization to help achieve a particular goal, such as raising capital or preparing for a sale, merger, or acquisition. Most fractional CFOs have helped raise hundreds of millions of dollars of debt and equity funding for multiple companies, and have helped oversee a number of mergers and acquisitions.

Sam McQuade talking about fractional CFO benefits for Tech these days

Sam McQuade talking about fractional CFO benefits for Tech these days

AI technology startups advantages when hiring a flexible CFO with Sam McQuade CFO: Keep Financial Tasks From Becoming Overwhelming: Financial tasks become overwhelming when you don’t have experience. Even budgets can quickly become a hassle when you struggle to stay on top of the numbers. That’s where a fractional CFO comes in. They can handle financial tasks such as budgeting and cash flow management to keep things running smoothly. With company internal controls in place, you can focus on other aspects of the business. See extra info on

When a finance function is focused purely on accounting (performed by a bookkeeper) and financial planning (performed by a controller), a CFO will, in most cases, not be necessary. However, companies at this level may want to consider bringing on a fractional CFO on an interim basis in the event of a takeover or restructuring. Companies should consider engaging a CFO, whether fractional or full-time, when the size and complexity of revenue begin to overburden the existing finance team. This generally occurs at the Series B funding round.

The philosophy of “What got you here won’t get you where you want to go” is ever-present in business once past the initial start-up phase. Businesses launch additional products, open new territories, open additional locations, transact in new currencies, and deal with increasing regulatory requirements. These all require more advanced thinking, tools, and techniques. Many bootstrap startups begin with a part-time bookkeeper and simple systems but later find that they cannot sustain additional business growth and complexity. Systems, resources, processes, and strategies must scale in sophistication as a company grows.

Searching to hire your very first CFO or need interim coverage? We provide CFOs for immediate short term objectives and longer term engagements. Adaptable with fair pricing so you cover your business and don’t have to rush into a potentially bad solution and expensive full time hire. Sam McQuade CFO is the Founder and CEO of Panterra Finance. This worldwide Financial Partner Solution services is a leading innovator in the new economy of scale offering a new executive suite model with the Fractional CFO and Interim CFO. The Panterra Finance team with expert Interim CFO executives and Fractional CFO services brings with it a global financial leadership team to the new world economy. Describing Panterra Finance in his own words, CFO Sam McQuade stated : As Founder/CEO of Panterra Finance, I am on mission to help guide businesses to achieve success through thoughtful strategic financial collaboration.

CFOs usually are responsible for key finance functions which have included broad categories of accounting, treasury, financial planning and analysis (FP&A), controls, compliance, tax, and audit. Going forward towards 2022, the same functions exist, but they are getting more automated, so the CFO can focus more on forward perspectives. Storytelling requires strong emotional intelligence and solid communication skills. Here’s the four key areas the CFO can be messaging: Why & Purpose: Communicating the “Why” is one of the strongest messages the CFO can deliver. It’s not only the reason for the corporate existence, but it’s also very motivational for all the stakeholders. This message should be repeated frequently and consistently to make people feel the genuine purpose.

The CFO reports to the CEO but remains one of the key personnel in any company. In the financial industry, it is a high-ranking position, and in other industries, it is usually the third-highest position in a company. People in this role have significant input in the company’s investments, capital structure, and how the company manages its income and expenses. This corporate officer may assist the CEO with forecasting, cost-benefit analysis, and obtaining funding for various initiatives.

Strategy and forecasting involves using available data and reports, both internal and external, to advise on areas including product development, market expansion, human capital management, M&A and capital investments. It’s also where structured planning and forecasting exercises, like scenario planning and FP&A, fall. Controllers, treasurers and FP&A analysts are invaluable members of the team, but in all these areas, the buck stops at the CFO’s desk.

Before getting into how your business can benefit from a DAO, let’s take a look at some examples of real-life DAOs. Uniswap is a decentralized exchange built on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows users to trade tokens without the need for a centralized exchange. The Uniswap team has created a smart contract that governs the exchange. The smart contract automatically matches buyers and sellers and executes the trades. Anyone with a UNI token can participate in the governance of the Uniswap exchange.

As independent internal auditors, we compile in-depth audit reports that convey insights on both known and unknown risks and vulnerabilities in order to protect your business. We hold a niche in capital project auditing and in assisting start-ups with outsourced Internal Audit services.

A lot of our clients at Panterra Finance ask us about DAOs, what they are, and how they work. So we thought it would be helpful to write a blog post explaining them. Before getting into DAO, a brief few things about blockchain. A blockchain is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger that records transactions on many computers so that the record cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the collusion of the network. Sounds complicated? Let’s take an example to understand this better. Suppose there are two people, A and B, who want to transact with each other. A wants to buy a product from B worth $100. In the old way of transacting, A would hand over the $100 to B, and B would hand over the product to A. This process is called ‘centralized’ because there is one central entity, in our case, a bank or PayPal, through which both parties have to go through to complete the transaction.

This differs from the services traditionally provided by the external CPA who focuses on audits, reviews, taxes, and compliance work. Although valuable and very necessary, this work is more “backward-looking” in nature ensuring that past events are correctly reported and accounted for. The CFO however, is more focused on the “forward-looking” aspects of the finances, to help chart the course and ultimately navigate the business to success.

Smaller companies, incubators and startups could not match the salaries that the full time CFO commanded on the world financial stage. The seeds for the concept of an Interim or Fractional CFO were planted in the mind of Sam McQuade almost 3 decades ago when he first entered the world of International Finance as an Entrepreneur Consultant in Geneva Switzerland after achieving his MBA/MA at European University. During this tumultuous time at the turn of the century on the international financial scene, Mr. McQuade was ahead of his time. He offered as needed financial consultation services for international behemoths the Swiss based Nestle Corporation and the US based medical device corporation Stryker. The focus of his services, which would years later be foundational in the concepts of Panterra was a new model in product development, manufacturing and marketing. See extra info on Sam McQuade CFO.

Best shareholder protection insurance providers

Best shareholder protection insurance providers

Top rated executive income protection products: Business Loan Insurance: Many businesses borrow to grow or invest in expensive machinery or premises. On the death of a director banks often get worried and cancel overdrafts or call in loans. Business loan insurance protects your business from this issue. Executive Income Protection Insurance: In the event of a long term or permanent illness where a director cannot work anymore then paying their wages can become a burden on the business. Executive income protection give the company the required funds to ensure the director can still be remunerated. Read more information at Shareholder Protection Insurance.

Taking out keyman insurance is a major financial commitment and understanding the full implications of the purchase is essential. Knowing if the premiums can be deducted from taxes could give an extra boost back into the budget that could then help towards taking out more powerful policies with larger coverage. Depending on location, government regulations may allow certain types of insurance deductions; therefore it is always best to consult with assigned professionals for reliable answers about eligibility requirements and tax deductions pertaining to this type of coverage plan.

The business itself can act as the proposer of this kind of policy if it’s set up in a Ltd format, or each individual owner can take individual policies if within partnerships and sole traders setups. It’s important for businesses to take this kind of measures into consideration when taking out large loans as it helps protect not only the people involved but also their investments should something go wrong throughout repayment period. Making sure everyone involved understands their responsibilities and is aware that there are ways to protect their finances should adverse circumstances arise will help provide peace-of-mind during stressful times.

Premium Equalisation: Shareholder Protection Premium Equalisation is an essential aspect of business trust policies. When a group of shareholders decides to take out an own life policy individually, they may need to equalize the premiums paid. This is done to prevent HMRC from considering unequal premiums as a “gift” or “wealth transfer” from those who are paying more to those who are paying less. If HMRC views this as a gift, there could be inheritance tax implications if there is ever a claim.

Shareholder Benefits: Above we looked at how the insured persons spouse or family would benefit but how about the remaining shareholders of the limited company? If we look at the above we mentioned that the insured person’s spouse now owning 33% of the shares that they cannot sell they might instead want to get involved in the business. For the remaining shareholders this can cause a problem as they might not get along with the spouse, the spouse might not have the experience, knowledge and might not be a good fit for the business. This situation can be a threat to the business success.

Why have Business Loan Insurance? For businesses, protecting their investments is paramount. Taking out a loan to either begin or expand a business venture brings with it a heightened level of risk, because the ability to repay the loan often rests on the performance and health of only a few key staff members. To help manage this risk, it is essential that any significant loans taken out by businesses are protected with insurance.

Who are the Key Persons of Business? The concept of a key person is essential for any business. A key person is someone whose skills, knowledge, experience or leadership are vitally important to the long-term financial success of a company. Examples include company directors, sales directors, IT specialists and managing directors. Companies normally have several key people within their organization who provide expertise in various areas and drive development. Moreover, these individuals are very hard to replace and should something happen to one of them it could potentially cause major financial strain on the business. Read more info at Shareholder Protection Insurance.

Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance about cash flow advantages when employing a flexible CFO in 2023

Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance about cash flow advantages when employing a flexible CFO in 2023

Cash flow benefits when employing a flexible CFO by Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance: Key advantages of hiring a fractional CFO: Cost! Unlike traditional businesses, startups need to remain conscious about paying only for what they absolutely cannot live without. Everything else is either in-house or done without. Fractional CFOs are the next step in this evolution of the scrappy, bare-knuckle startup. Think of a fractional CFO as a CFO on-demand. Your startup benefits from all the expertise of an experienced CFO when it is needed the most, without the additional cost of having an extra C-suite colleague on your payroll.

What Does a Fractional CFO do for a Company? Fractional CFOs most commonly partner with companies to help overcome financial challenges, achieve growth, optimize strategy, implement systems, raise capital, or navigate an audit or transaction. Overcoming Specific Challenges: Fractional CFOs are often brought into an organization when there are financial challenges that the company’s existing team does not have either the skills or manpower to overcome. In many cases, a company does not have an in-house CFO. In some cases, however, the company may have an existing CFO, and the fractional CFO acts as a partner or advisor or helps lead separate projects such as raising capital or navigating an audit.

While surveying the landscape of the 21st Century economic climate, Sam McQuade, CFO, CEO and Financial maverick realized that the benefits of the gig economy and off-site personnel had hit the preverbally glass ceiling at the executive floor. Large established companies, corporations and organizations were captive of contracted executives. These executives could be effective and efficient however they could also be playing the game of international finance with obsolete rules, models, and ideas. Discover additional information at Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance.

With technological advances disrupting job descriptions, the organization will have its share of fear and resistance. Given the close collaboration between finance and information technology, the CFO is in a unique position to anticipate the future needs of organization and help mentor people with their reskilling into other growth areas. What else do you think CFOs can be doing now to adapt to the future? I’d be very grateful if you provide your comments and share your thoughts. Thank you!

CFOs are the most senior financial officers in an organization. They report directly to the CEO and work closely with the board of directors. While the CEO occupies a higher-level position from an org-chart standpoint, in high-functioning companies, the CFO and CEO work closely and collaboratively, with CFOs serving as sounding boards, strategists and risk mitigators. A financial controller is a CPA (certified public accountant) and often holds an MBA. Financial controllers are responsible for preparing financial reports and analyzing financial data. The financial controller is generally in charge of the accounting function in an organization and reports to the CFO. A controller may be part of a team that includes bookkeepers, accounts receivable/payable clerks, payroll specialists, tax preparers and accountants.

Forecasting: Importantly, CFOs don’t only report what is — a significant part of their value to an organization is their ability to accurately predict likely future outcomes. That includes financial forecasting and modeling based not only on the company’s past performance but on internal and external factors that may affect revenue and expenses. The CFO is tasked with making sense of the various departmental level forecasts to create profit projections for the CEO and shareholders.

Friends With Benefits is a decentralized social network. It allows users to connect with each other and share content. It allows the users to collaborate and create new content. Users may connect with individuals who share their interests in other cities through city-specific hubs. The more FWB tokens a user has, the more opportunities to meet and interact with others develop. This is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that uses the power of the blockchain to adjudicate disputes. Kleros is a DAO because it is powered by smart contracts. The Kleros token (PNK) is used to incentive jurors to vote on disputes. When someone wants to submit a dispute to Kleros, they first have to deposit some PNK. If the jury rules in favor of the person who submitted the dispute, then they get their PNK back. If the jury rules against them, then they lose their PNK. Kleros can be used to adjudicate any kind of dispute. It has been used to adjudicate disputes in online markets, freelance platforms, and even in the sharing economy.

As you enter each new geography, we help you adhere to the relevant regulatory requirements and stay compliant. In a world that is rapidly changing, we help you identify what that change means for your business and what measures you need to employ to protect it from a range of risks in the new economy.

The most important thing to understand about a DAO is that it is autonomous. This means that it can exist and continue to function without any human intervention. Once the code is written and deployed, the DAO will continue to run according to the code that governs it. This is made possible by the fact that smart contracts are immutable. This means that they cannot be changed or altered in any way once they have been deployed to the Ethereum blockchain. The DAO’s basic idea, while intriguing, is also fascinating, and it represents a point where technology trends such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and the internet of things (IoT) are coming together to provide fresh possibilities.

A CFO can improve the decision-making process by bringing facts, solid numbers, and asking the right questions. Another benefit to the business owner is the fresh perspective and insights brought by the CFO. This can have the added effect of making life a little less lonely for the entrepreneur. The CFO can be a sounding board and trusted advisor for new ideas and initiatives. Stakeholders such as investors, lenders and creditors react positively to the knowledge that a professional CFO has been retained. This takes on an added degree of importance when looking for outside investment, debt financing or positioning the company for sale.

Do you want to hire your very first CFO or wanting only some interim coverage? We offer CFOs for urgent short term objectives and longer term engagements. Adaptable with clear pricing so you solve the needs of your business and don’t have to rush into a potentially bad solution and expensive full time hire. Sam McQuade CFO has successfully scaled his decades old ideas into an innovative full-service Financial Partner Solution for incubators, startups, emerging business concepts as well as well-established international companies, corporations and organizations with the introduction of Panterra Finance. The Panterra Finance professional executive team members are equipped to provide an industry leading concept of an on demand Fractional CFO and Interim CFO during pivotal transitions. Find more details on Sam McQuade.

Best rated benefits to hire a flexible CFO from Sam McQuade CFO

Best rated benefits to hire a flexible CFO from Sam McQuade CFO

Best benefits to hire a fractional Chief Financial Officer with Sam McQuade: The philosophy of “What got you here won’t get you where you want to go” is ever-present in business once past the initial start-up phase. Businesses launch additional products, open new territories, open additional locations, transact in new currencies, and deal with increasing regulatory requirements. These all require more advanced thinking, tools, and techniques. Many bootstrap startups begin with a part-time bookkeeper and simple systems but later find that they cannot sustain additional business growth and complexity. Systems, resources, processes, and strategies must scale in sophistication as a company grows.

Do you want to hire your very first CFO or need interim coverage? We offer solution CFOs for immediate very short term objectives and longer term engagements. Adaptable with clear pricing so you solve the needs of your business and don’t have to rush into a potentially bad and costly full time hire. Along with the core services of C-Suite Level Executives in Finance and a contingent of Fractional CFO talent and experienced Intermittent CFO innovators, Panterra Finance services include: international Business – Experts in Global Tax Liabilities and Cash Flow Strategies, investments and planning. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Advisory – Providing valuations as well as independent perspectives on offers and options. Internal Audits – Independent internal auditors with in-depth reports highlighting risks and vulnerabilities. Risk Management – A worldwide footprint enables Panterra Finance to identify risks and opportunities in the new world economy. Compliance Review – Actionable understanding when entering markets with new rules, regulations, laws and international asset allocation decisions. See extra information on

Vision, Roadmaps and Business Plans are typically good collaboration processes, however alignment on meaningful strategy is driven by relationships and the CFO cannot over-communicate in this area. In an era of “greenwashing”, the CFO has a real opportunity to lead since success will ultimately be measured with scorecards and transparency. Sharing the Sustainable Story with financial support is the most credible way for stakeholders to see progress.

The CFO also works with other senior managers and is a vital participant in a company’s overall success, especially when it comes to the long run. For instance, when the marketing department wants to launch a new campaign, the CFO may help to ensure the campaign is feasible or give input on the funds available for the campaign. A CFO can become a CEO, COO, or they can assume the role of company president. The CFO must report accurate information because many decisions are based on the data they provide. The CFO is responsible for managing the financial activities of a company and adhering to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and other regulatory entities.

Financial reports including balance sheets and P&L and cash flow statements help both internal leaders and external stakeholders understand the financial state of the business, and it’s up to the CFO to attest that these statements are accurate and complete in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Although private companies are required to file financial reports with the SEC only if they have $10 million or more in assets and 500 or more shareholders, many businesses create these statements anyway so they’re available should the company seek a bank loan or venture capital or equity funding.

Before getting into how your business can benefit from a DAO, let’s take a look at some examples of real-life DAOs. Uniswap is a decentralized exchange built on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows users to trade tokens without the need for a centralized exchange. The Uniswap team has created a smart contract that governs the exchange. The smart contract automatically matches buyers and sellers and executes the trades. Anyone with a UNI token can participate in the governance of the Uniswap exchange.

Are you looking to expand your business overseas? Our experts are able to help you at any stage. We will first start by understanding your vision and global tax and cash strategy. Once aligned, we will help execute the financial, legal, compliance and talent solution activities to build your entity and team.

A lot of our clients at Panterra Finance ask us about DAOs, what they are, and how they work. So we thought it would be helpful to write a blog post explaining them. Before getting into DAO, a brief few things about blockchain. A blockchain is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger that records transactions on many computers so that the record cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the collusion of the network. Sounds complicated? Let’s take an example to understand this better. Suppose there are two people, A and B, who want to transact with each other. A wants to buy a product from B worth $100. In the old way of transacting, A would hand over the $100 to B, and B would hand over the product to A. This process is called ‘centralized’ because there is one central entity, in our case, a bank or PayPal, through which both parties have to go through to complete the transaction.

This differs from the services traditionally provided by the external CPA who focuses on audits, reviews, taxes, and compliance work. Although valuable and very necessary, this work is more “backward-looking” in nature ensuring that past events are correctly reported and accounted for. The CFO however, is more focused on the “forward-looking” aspects of the finances, to help chart the course and ultimately navigate the business to success.

Smaller companies, incubators and startups could not match the salaries that the full time CFO commanded on the world financial stage. The seeds for the concept of an Interim or Fractional CFO were planted in the mind of Sam McQuade almost 3 decades ago when he first entered the world of International Finance as an Entrepreneur Consultant in Geneva Switzerland after achieving his MBA/MA at European University. During this tumultuous time at the turn of the century on the international financial scene, Mr. McQuade was ahead of his time. He offered as needed financial consultation services for international behemoths the Swiss based Nestle Corporation and the US based medical device corporation Stryker. The focus of his services, which would years later be foundational in the concepts of Panterra was a new model in product development, manufacturing and marketing. Read additional information at

Sam McQuade on benefits for startups when employing a flexible CFO in 2023

Sam McQuade on benefits for startups when employing a flexible CFO in 2023

Innovation and valuation advantages hiring a flexible Chief Financial Officer with Sam McQuade: Key advantages of hiring a fractional CFO: Cost! Unlike traditional businesses, startups need to remain conscious about paying only for what they absolutely cannot live without. Everything else is either in-house or done without. Fractional CFOs are the next step in this evolution of the scrappy, bare-knuckle startup. Think of a fractional CFO as a CFO on-demand. Your startup benefits from all the expertise of an experienced CFO when it is needed the most, without the additional cost of having an extra C-suite colleague on your payroll.

What Does a Fractional CFO do for a Company? Fractional CFOs most commonly partner with companies to help overcome financial challenges, achieve growth, optimize strategy, implement systems, raise capital, or navigate an audit or transaction. Overcoming Specific Challenges: Fractional CFOs are often brought into an organization when there are financial challenges that the company’s existing team does not have either the skills or manpower to overcome. In many cases, a company does not have an in-house CFO. In some cases, however, the company may have an existing CFO, and the fractional CFO acts as a partner or advisor or helps lead separate projects such as raising capital or navigating an audit. Find even more information at Sam McQuade CFO.

The CFO function is evolving at lightspeed. With digital transformation and societal changes, the CFO role is rapidly turning into one of a “Chief Fiduciary Officer”, which is going beyond the traditional financials to look towards the future and lead long term value creation in a world of many unknown risks. Storytelling is a very powerful tool to engage and energize teams about value creation and potential pitfall areas. The traditional path of CFO usually starts with a solid foundation based on technical knowledge and then after about 15 years, the great leaders earn the coveted title.

What’s driving that investment in expertise? Often, CEOs who are at a strategic crossroads and recognize the value of an expert financial adviser who can help them grow market share, and their businesses. In short, smart companies now view the CFO position — both internal and on a virtual or fractional CFO basis — as more of an investment than an expense. There’s no doubt that a global pandemic made the value of an experienced hand on the finance helm very evident. But our take is that there’s more to the rise of the CFO than an economic crisis. Let’s look at the role, responsibilities and skills finance chiefs need to serve their companies well.

Liquidity refers to an organization’s ability to pay off its short-term liabilities — those that will come due in less than a year — with readily accessible, or liquid, funds. Liquidity is usually expressed as a ratio or a percentage of what the company owes against what it owns. CFOs are concerned with ensuring that customer payments are made in full and on time and controlling expenses so that enough cash is on hand to meet financial obligations.

Friends With Benefits is a decentralized social network. It allows users to connect with each other and share content. It allows the users to collaborate and create new content. Users may connect with individuals who share their interests in other cities through city-specific hubs. The more FWB tokens a user has, the more opportunities to meet and interact with others develop. This is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that uses the power of the blockchain to adjudicate disputes. Kleros is a DAO because it is powered by smart contracts. The Kleros token (PNK) is used to incentive jurors to vote on disputes. When someone wants to submit a dispute to Kleros, they first have to deposit some PNK. If the jury rules in favor of the person who submitted the dispute, then they get their PNK back. If the jury rules against them, then they lose their PNK. Kleros can be used to adjudicate any kind of dispute. It has been used to adjudicate disputes in online markets, freelance platforms, and even in the sharing economy.

We are your ally in managing business risks. In a world that is rapidly changing, we help you identify what that change means for your business and what measures you need to employ to protect it from a range of risks in the new economy.

A DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization that is run by smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. It is an organization or company that is not centrally controlled by any one person or entity. Rather, it is governed by code that is written into the smart contracts. This code can be modified or updated by anyone who has access to the DAO’s GitHub repository. To put this into perspective, imagine a traditional company or organization. There is usually a board of directors or executive team that makes all the decisions about how the company will be run. With a DAO, there is no such thing. The code that governs the DAO is open source and available for anyone to view and audit. In this new scenario, an organization can be run by anyone in the world who has an internet connection.

The answer is to bring in a qualified CFO to work closely with the CEO or business owner. The CFO must embrace the vision, but also translate this into the operational and financial framework to achieve success. Dealing effectively with stakeholders is another key function. This includes managing expectations, presenting financial information, and understanding the varied and legitimate interests of owners, creditors, and lenders.

Looking to hire your first CFO or wanting only some interim coverage? We offer solution CFOs for immediate very short term objectives and longer term engagements. Customizable with clear pricing so you solve the needs of your business and don’t have to rush into a potentially bad solution and expensive full time hire. In disrupting the traditional contracted title of CFO, Panterra Finance innovatively offers all its clients thought leadership based on international financial market experiences. Panterra Finance offers a unified international approach to businesses in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Eight centrally located offices in the USA, Switzerland, the Middle East, and the emerging African Continent, offers global enterprises Fractional and Interim CFO services backed by a team with a grasp of dynamic world trends. Read even more info on Sam McQuade CFO.

Smaller companies, incubators and startups could not match the salaries that the full time CFO commanded on the world financial stage. The seeds for the concept of an Interim or Fractional CFO were planted in the mind of Sam McQuade almost 3 decades ago when he first entered the world of International Finance as an Entrepreneur Consultant in Geneva Switzerland after achieving his MBA/MA at European University. During this tumultuous time at the turn of the century on the international financial scene, Mr. McQuade was ahead of his time. He offered as needed financial consultation services for international behemoths the Swiss based Nestle Corporation and the US based medical device corporation Stryker. The focus of his services, which would years later be foundational in the concepts of Panterra was a new model in product development, manufacturing and marketing.

Excellent crypto blockchain investment solutions by Moralis Money Affiliate

Excellent crypto blockchain investment solutions by Moralis Money Affiliate

High quality cryptocurrency investment services from Moralis Money Affiliate: Moralis Money users can even save their queries. This means you have your favourite filters just a click away. All user plans can save their favourite queries. For professional traders, though, they will likely want to upgrade to the Pro plan to be able to save up to 10 queries. Token Shield – Stay Safe in a Wild Market: Jumping into altcoins without the proper tools is a high-risk, high-reward venture. However, Moralis Money comes with Token Shield. Token Shield is another game-changer, that helps you avoid exit scams and rug pulls. With it, you can easily see a token’s total liquidity locked.When you find new tokens with a high percentage of their total liquidity locked, Token Shield marks them with a green shield to indicate that they’re “safer” than those with low liquidity locked. You simply hover over the shield icon to see the percentage of total liquidity locked.

Moralis Money is a powerful tool for investors looking to gain an edge in the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency trading. With a wide range of filters and features, the tool provides valuable insights into the altcoin market, helping investors to identify potential opportunities before they become widely known. As the team continues to add new filters and features, Moralis Money is likely to become even more valuable, making it a must-have tool for any serious cryptocurrency investor. Are you tired of lackluster investment opportunities that never seem to deliver the returns you desire? Look no further than cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is a rapidly growing market that has the potential to generate incredible returns for investors. There are several factors that make it possible to achieve gains of 10x, 100x, or even 1000x. Discover additional info on Moralis Money affiliate program.

Lower volatility during the bear market is also the best time for BUIDLing. Do you have some programming skills? If so, you can perhaps utilize those skills to build something awesome. You can join one of the existing times or take on your unique projects. The final bonus tactic that we want to point out is research. Use the bear market to do proper research on the projects that seem interesting to you. After all, even when you detect great opportunities with Moralis Money, you should always DYOR before entering a trade. As such, practicing your crypto research skills is definitely a great investment! Let’s start this section by looking at the core advantage of Moralis Money. They are as follows: Insights into the on-chain activity, which precedes price action; no confusing on-chain data charts that cause information overload; Fast and simple access to easy-to-interpret, actionable results; Generating dynamic lists of crypto tokens that are gaining or losing on-chain momentum with just a few clicks; Spotting opportunities in all market conditions; Overcoming FOMO, scams, and time scarcity.

The cost of transacting in cryptocurrency is relatively low compared to other financial services. For example, it’s not uncommon for a domestic wire transfer to cost $25 or $30. Sending money internationally can be even more expensive. Cryptocurrency transactions are usually less expensive. However, you should note that demand on the blockchain can increase transaction costs. Even so, median transaction fees remain lower than wire transfer fees even on the most congested blockchains.

As blockchain has expanded into the mainstream consciousness, so has the opportunity to work in the blockchain industry. You could work for any of the hundreds of blockchain currencies themselves, or for other companies or industries looking to take advantage of the blockchain boom. In addition to developers, blockchain companies need to hire for all the other roles of a growing business, including marketing, human resources, and cyber security.

What is Cryptocurrency? Cryptocurrency is a form of virtual currency rooted in “blockchain” technology. A blockchain is a digital public ledger of transactions that is decentralized, which means that it doesn’t rely on the oversight or management of a third party (such as a bank or exchange) in order to facilitate secure transactions. Information regarding transactions is digitally stored on the blockchain in a way that can’t be manipulated or falsified. This digital public ledger is distributed across a network, is fully transparent, and is invulnerable to decryption, fraud, or human error. As a result, blockchain allows for the virtual exchange of tokens (cryptocurrencies) for goods and services between two verifiable parties without the need for a trusted third party. This is why such exchanges are often referred to as “trustless.”

Get Real-Time Updates with Token Alerts! Token Alerts allows you to stay up-to-date with everything relating to tokens. Set up customisable alerts over email to always be informed when new opportunities arise. Token Alerts allow you to trade with access to real-time information and opportunities without needing to be full-time in crypto. Try Moralis Money & Find Coins Before They 100x! The best way to experience how easy Moralis Money makes it to find tokens before they pump is to use Moralis Money yourself. Discover extra details on

Aside from the tokens mentioned in the above testimonials, many Moralis Money users also made the most of the 2023 memecoin season. With Moralis Money, they detected tokens like WOJAK, TURBO, PEPE, and many others before their initial pumps. So, we are talking about massive gains. For instance, just look at the PEPE token’s chart. And, keep in mind that by relying on on-chain momentum, users were able to trade multiple ups and downs along the way. However, even those who decided to HODL and entered after the initial rally, are still up more than 600%: Would you like to be among the people in the know? Visit Moralis Money and lock in your Pro plan today!

Altcoins investment services with Moralis Money right now

Altcoins investment services with Moralis Money right now

Crypto investment advices with Moralis Money today: Perhaps the most exciting aspect of Moralis Money is its potential for growth. With the cryptocurrency market poised for another bull run, Moralis Money is likely to become even more valuable in the coming months. The team has already announced plans to increase prices when Bitcoin reaches $40,000, making it even more exclusive and valuable for its users. Another important feature of Moralis Money is its liquidity measurement, which provides investors with an idea of how much liquidity has changed during a specified time-frame. This can be particularly helpful in identifying potential pump and dump schemes, where a group of investors artificially inflates the price of a coin before quickly selling their holdings and causing the price to plummet. Find even more info on Moralis Money review.

To ensure that the coin has positive liquidity, you can search for tokens that have increased by at least 1 in liquidity the past week. You can add both of these filters to your previous one about coin age. You can then save your query, which now shows you results only for coins minted within 50 days, with at least 50 experienced buyers, and with liquidity that has increased in the past week. This is a game-changer for traders. Moralis Money also allows you to save your queries, so you can keep a list of your favourite customised filters for finding tokens before they pump. Our team is working hard on adding even more filter metrics to Moralis Money. We are adding more functionality to Moralis each week.

Use the “Moralis Money 101” section below to help you get started with this amazing trading tool. Then, you’ll be ready to spot bullish crypto and bearish crypto trends. But first, don’t forget to check out three awesome bonus crypto bear market strategies. Unless you plan on trading cryptocurrencies on shorter timeframes (day trading, scalping) during a bear market, you will typically have more time on your hands than you would during the bull season. As such, you ought to explore other crypto bear market strategies. One tactic that you should deploy is to dive deeper into learning. Devote some time to master some aspects of the crypto sphere. Or, if you are a beginner, make sure you learn the basics properly. Moralis Academy is a great place for that.

All cryptocurrency transactions take place on the publicly distributed blockchain ledger. There are tools that allow anyone to look up transaction data, including where, when, and how much of a cryptocurrency someone sent from a wallet address. Anyone can also see how much crypto is stored in a wallet. This level of transparency can reduce fraudulent transactions. Someone can prove they sent money and that it was received or they can prove they have the funds available for a transaction.

Cloud mining has been developed as a way to mine blockchain currency by using rented cloud computing power without having the need to install or directly run any related software or hardware. People can remotely participate in blockchain currency mining by opening an account and paying a minimal cost. Thus, cloud mining firms have made mining more accessible and profitable for a larger group of people. Minedollars is mobile cloud-mining software that enables anyone to mine Bitcoin from the comfort of their own home.Minedollars uses advanced mining technology to let users mine different tokens at competitive costs. They thus garner the highest possible return on investment from the mining operation.

What is Cryptocurrency? Cryptocurrency is a form of virtual currency rooted in “blockchain” technology. A blockchain is a digital public ledger of transactions that is decentralized, which means that it doesn’t rely on the oversight or management of a third party (such as a bank or exchange) in order to facilitate secure transactions. Information regarding transactions is digitally stored on the blockchain in a way that can’t be manipulated or falsified. This digital public ledger is distributed across a network, is fully transparent, and is invulnerable to decryption, fraud, or human error. As a result, blockchain allows for the virtual exchange of tokens (cryptocurrencies) for goods and services between two verifiable parties without the need for a trusted third party. This is why such exchanges are often referred to as “trustless.”

Spotting Individual Altcoin Opportunities : As pointed out in the intro, there are many altcoins that tend to pump even during the bear market. Of course, these pumps can be short-lived or they can go on for quite a while and stabilize at much higher levels. And, as you can imagine, there are many factors that determine that. It depends on the project’s quality, fundamentals, “pumpamentals”, and Bitcoin’s movement. These sorts of pumps in the bear market are particularly common when Bitcoin bounces after a larger retrace or when it goes sideways for a while. As such, it’s important to rely on real-time on-chain data to see if the token is gaining or losing momentum. Then, you can take the right action. And, by using this strategy, many Moralis Money Pro users have been pocketing quite impressive gains.

Find up-and-coming altcoins with our Token Explorer. Set your own filters to identify altcoins before they pump, or simply use our preset filters to learn which coins whales are buying. As you are getting raw, on-chain data with our Token Explorer, you’ll get this alpha before there’s any Twitter hype, and far before you can find the coins on other services like CoinGecko. Avoid Scams with Token Shield: Token Shield, on the other hand, keeps you safe from scams. Simply look for the green shield to get information about total liquidity locked in a token project. We’re also continuously adding more security information to the Token Shield to ensure you’re as safe as possible! See more information at

Premium benefits for startups when employing a fractional Chief Financial Officer from Sam McQuade CFO

Premium benefits for startups when employing a fractional Chief Financial Officer from Sam McQuade CFO

Cash flow benefits when employing a flexible CFO from Sam McQuade CFO: Flexibility: A major bottleneck that stifles many startups is being stuck with people, especially those in leadership positions, whose vision, ethics, or business philosophy founders have major differences. Constant friction at the top can not just sap a startup’s energy, but also disrupt its focus. Parting of ways, as and when it comes, can often be bitter and financially ruinous. With a qualified fractional CFO, founders can move on easily if the relationship isn’t a fit.

What Does a Fractional CFO do for a Company? Fractional CFOs most commonly partner with companies to help overcome financial challenges, achieve growth, optimize strategy, implement systems, raise capital, or navigate an audit or transaction. Overcoming Specific Challenges: Fractional CFOs are often brought into an organization when there are financial challenges that the company’s existing team does not have either the skills or manpower to overcome. In many cases, a company does not have an in-house CFO. In some cases, however, the company may have an existing CFO, and the fractional CFO acts as a partner or advisor or helps lead separate projects such as raising capital or navigating an audit.

Developing the Interim and Fractional CFO Concept with Experience: From the inside looking out, Sam McQuade continued to sharpen his skills and nurture the ideas and mission of Panterra Finance. He spent time in the executive suites of Dell, as a Finance Manager and a Financial Planning and Analysis Manager where he achieved a 400% revenue growth in the Swiss market. Other stops in corporate suites, each of which shaped the final innovative services offered by Panterra Finance. Read more information on Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance.

With technological advances disrupting job descriptions, the organization will have its share of fear and resistance. Given the close collaboration between finance and information technology, the CFO is in a unique position to anticipate the future needs of organization and help mentor people with their reskilling into other growth areas. What else do you think CFOs can be doing now to adapt to the future? I’d be very grateful if you provide your comments and share your thoughts. Thank you!

The chief financial officer (CFOs) holds the top financial position in an organization. They are responsible for tracking cash flow and financial planning and analyzing the company’s financial strengths and weaknesses and proposing strategic directions. CFOs are accountable to both the organization and various regulatory entities and authorities, including the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in publicly held companies. They are well-versed in both generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and state and federal regulations, such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

The key duties of the CFO position vary depending on the size of the organization, its industry and whether it’s a public or private company but generally fall into three broad functional areas: controller, treasury and strategy and forecasting. Organizations may have professionals overseeing some or all of these roles and reporting to the CFO. Controllers run day-to-day accounting and financial operations and often hold a CPA or MBA. They are responsible for creating reports that provide insights into a company’s financial standing, including accounts receivable, accounts payable, inventory and payroll.

Another purpose of a DAO is to automate decision-making. In a traditional organization, decisions are made by a small group of people. This can often lead to delays in decision-making. With a DAO, decisions are made by the code that governs the organization. This makes it much faster and easier to make decisions. In business environments, it frees up space for people to focus on other things. It has opened up opportunities for more decision-makers to get involved in the governance of a DAO. The most notable example is the MakerDAO, which is a decentralized autonomous organization that governs the Dai stablecoin. The MakerDAO has a voting system that allows anyone to participate in the governance of the organization.

Selling your business or looking to buy others? Our experts can lead the deal and make sure that you have a thoughtful ownership transition. We are happy to provide second opinions on valuations as well so you have another perspective and feel better before your close the deal.

The last two to three decades have seen a paradigm shift in the lives of almost everyone. The Internet and the web particularly have given a whole new meaning to the way we communicate and interact with each other. Web1.0 was all about connecting people and devices. Web2.0 was all about connecting people with each other. Recent years have seen the development of Web3.0 which is an entirely different ball game. Web3.0 is all about connecting people with machines and devices to create a more efficient and trustworthy internet. This new web is built on the back of blockchain technology which allows for decentralization, transparency, and security. One of the most exciting applications of this technology is the DAO or decentralized autonomous organization. With everything Web3.0, some concepts are harder to understand than others for now. With increased adoption, they will enter the mainstream sooner.

A CFO can improve the decision-making process by bringing facts, solid numbers, and asking the right questions. Another benefit to the business owner is the fresh perspective and insights brought by the CFO. This can have the added effect of making life a little less lonely for the entrepreneur. The CFO can be a sounding board and trusted advisor for new ideas and initiatives. Stakeholders such as investors, lenders and creditors react positively to the knowledge that a professional CFO has been retained. This takes on an added degree of importance when looking for outside investment, debt financing or positioning the company for sale.

Looking to hire your very first CFO or need interim coverage? We provide CFOs for immediate short term projects and longer term engagements. Flexible with fair pricing so you solve the needs of your business and don’t have to get into a potentially bad and expensive full time hire. Along with the core services of C-Suite Level Executives in Finance and a contingent of Fractional CFO talent and experienced Intermittent CFO innovators, Panterra Finance services include: international Business – Experts in Global Tax Liabilities and Cash Flow Strategies, investments and planning. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Advisory – Providing valuations as well as independent perspectives on offers and options. Internal Audits – Independent internal auditors with in-depth reports highlighting risks and vulnerabilities. Risk Management – A worldwide footprint enables Panterra Finance to identify risks and opportunities in the new world economy. Compliance Review – Actionable understanding when entering markets with new rules, regulations, laws and international asset allocation decisions. Find additional information at Sam McQuade CFO.

Sam McQuade talking about advantages for startups when employing a flexible Chief Financial Officer in 2023

Sam McQuade talking about advantages for startups when employing a flexible Chief Financial Officer in 2023

Sam McQuade CFO talking about advantages for startups employing an interim CFO these days: A fractional CFO brings in a wealth of experience across different domains without burdening a startup with exorbitant costs. In fact, hiring a fractional CFO is perhaps the only way a young startup can get access to best-in-the-business expertise without having to pay through the nose for it. Like all great business models, it’s an arrangement that suits both sides. Of course, once startups scale beyond a certain size, they may come to realize that having a full-time CFO makes better business sense. For those who are still finding their feet, though, there was never a better time to think about hiring a fractional CFO.

A fractional CFO is often brought into a company to help overcome specific financial challenges such as: Cash flow issues; Low gross margins; High expenses; Outgrown existing systems; Need to make cost cuts; Navigating an audit. Create Forward-Facing Financial Visibility: Fractional CFOs are also helpful in optimizing or implementing more forward-facing financial visibility. While many financial professionals such as bookkeepers, accountants, and controllers are tasked with keeping past and current finances organized and well-documented, a CFO focuses on the future.

Smaller companies, incubators and startups could not match the salaries that the full time CFO commanded on the world financial stage. The seeds for the concept of an Interim or Fractional CFO were planted in the mind of Sam McQuade almost 3 decades ago when he first entered the world of International Finance as an Entrepreneur Consultant in Geneva Switzerland after achieving his MBA/MA at European University. During this tumultuous time at the turn of the century on the international financial scene, Mr. McQuade was ahead of his time. He offered as needed financial consultation services for international behemoths the Swiss based Nestle Corporation and the US based medical device corporation Stryker. The focus of his services, which would years later be foundational in the concepts of Panterra was a new model in product development, manufacturing and marketing. See more information at Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance.

CFOs usually are responsible for key finance functions which have included broad categories of accounting, treasury, financial planning and analysis (FP&A), controls, compliance, tax, and audit. Going forward towards 2022, the same functions exist, but they are getting more automated, so the CFO can focus more on forward perspectives. Storytelling requires strong emotional intelligence and solid communication skills. Here’s the four key areas the CFO can be messaging: Why & Purpose: Communicating the “Why” is one of the strongest messages the CFO can deliver. It’s not only the reason for the corporate existence, but it’s also very motivational for all the stakeholders. This message should be repeated frequently and consistently to make people feel the genuine purpose.

The CFO reports to the CEO but remains one of the key personnel in any company. In the financial industry, it is a high-ranking position, and in other industries, it is usually the third-highest position in a company. People in this role have significant input in the company’s investments, capital structure, and how the company manages its income and expenses. This corporate officer may assist the CEO with forecasting, cost-benefit analysis, and obtaining funding for various initiatives.

The key duties of the CFO position vary depending on the size of the organization, its industry and whether it’s a public or private company but generally fall into three broad functional areas: controller, treasury and strategy and forecasting. Organizations may have professionals overseeing some or all of these roles and reporting to the CFO. Controllers run day-to-day accounting and financial operations and often hold a CPA or MBA. They are responsible for creating reports that provide insights into a company’s financial standing, including accounts receivable, accounts payable, inventory and payroll.

Friends With Benefits is a decentralized social network. It allows users to connect with each other and share content. It allows the users to collaborate and create new content. Users may connect with individuals who share their interests in other cities through city-specific hubs. The more FWB tokens a user has, the more opportunities to meet and interact with others develop. This is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that uses the power of the blockchain to adjudicate disputes. Kleros is a DAO because it is powered by smart contracts. The Kleros token (PNK) is used to incentive jurors to vote on disputes. When someone wants to submit a dispute to Kleros, they first have to deposit some PNK. If the jury rules in favor of the person who submitted the dispute, then they get their PNK back. If the jury rules against them, then they lose their PNK. Kleros can be used to adjudicate any kind of dispute. It has been used to adjudicate disputes in online markets, freelance platforms, and even in the sharing economy.

Selling your business or looking to buy others? Our experts can lead the deal and make sure that you have a thoughtful ownership transition. We are happy to provide second opinions on valuations as well so you have another perspective and feel better before your close the deal.

A lot of our clients at Panterra Finance ask us about DAOs, what they are, and how they work. So we thought it would be helpful to write a blog post explaining them. Before getting into DAO, a brief few things about blockchain. A blockchain is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger that records transactions on many computers so that the record cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the collusion of the network. Sounds complicated? Let’s take an example to understand this better. Suppose there are two people, A and B, who want to transact with each other. A wants to buy a product from B worth $100. In the old way of transacting, A would hand over the $100 to B, and B would hand over the product to A. This process is called ‘centralized’ because there is one central entity, in our case, a bank or PayPal, through which both parties have to go through to complete the transaction.

By utilizing a fractional CFO, support levels can be varied and customized to the evolving needs of the organization with the CFO’s work schedule tailored as such. Increased support can be provided at critical times reverting to a more consistent level when appropriate. A fractional CFO can bring substantially all the benefits in terms of skills and knowledge of a full- time resource, at significantly less cost. Services are provided on-site which is convenient for meetings and to perform critical work. The CFO becomes embedded and acts as part of the management team. When not on-site, the CFO can be ‘virtually’ available via modern communication tools.

Searching to hire your very first CFO or wanting only some interim coverage? We offer solution CFOs for urgent short term objectives and longer term engagements. Adaptable with transparent pricing so you solve the needs of your business and don’t have to rush into a potentially very bad and expensive full time hire. Sam McQuade CFO has successfully scaled his decades old ideas into an innovative full-service Financial Partner Solution for incubators, startups, emerging business concepts as well as well-established international companies, corporations and organizations with the introduction of Panterra Finance. The Panterra Finance professional executive team members are equipped to provide an industry leading concept of an on demand Fractional CFO and Interim CFO during pivotal transitions. See more info at

Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance discussing innovation and valuation benefits when hiring a fractional CFO in 2023

Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance discussing innovation and valuation benefits when hiring a fractional CFO in 2023

Sam McQuade on cash flow advantages when hiring a flexible CFO in 2023: Optimize strategy: Businesses run on money, which means that CFOs, as the financial gatekeepers, are essential to strategy formulation and optimization. A fractional CFO can weigh in on the financial side of strategy by bringing in a perspective based on the numbers. In other words, your fractional CFO can test your strategy and tell you if it’s financially viable. And if not, what can be done to optimize it. Implement systems: As startups scale up, they need to put better systems in place to meet their changing requirements. This necessitates the supervision and guidance of someone who has implemented multiple systems in different scenarios. Someone who’s seen it all can predict the things that can go wrong and correct them before they do.

Fractional CFOs can help companies: Develop existing employees and hire new ones that bring essential knowledge and skills; Implement systems that will support sustainable growth; Improve visibility and analytical capabilities to convert large amounts of data into actionable information; Explore causes of revenue leakage, cost overruns, and operational friction in a growing business and develop potential solutions. A fractional CFO is also often brought into an organization to help achieve a particular goal, such as raising capital or preparing for a sale, merger, or acquisition. Most fractional CFOs have helped raise hundreds of millions of dollars of debt and equity funding for multiple companies, and have helped oversee a number of mergers and acquisitions.

In these early years of creating innovations in the corporate C-Suite, Sam McQuade nurtured and created a maverick approach to new finance operations for Stryker as it broke through to the lucrative emerging markets in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)). While approaching the markets in the growing economies of Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia and Romania, Sam McQuade was recognizing the need for Interim and Fractional CFO’s for the avalanche of incubators and startup companies in these underdeveloped economies that were on the cusp of being integrated into modern International Finance systems and markets. See more information at

CFOs usually are responsible for key finance functions which have included broad categories of accounting, treasury, financial planning and analysis (FP&A), controls, compliance, tax, and audit. Going forward towards 2022, the same functions exist, but they are getting more automated, so the CFO can focus more on forward perspectives. Storytelling requires strong emotional intelligence and solid communication skills. Here’s the four key areas the CFO can be messaging: Why & Purpose: Communicating the “Why” is one of the strongest messages the CFO can deliver. It’s not only the reason for the corporate existence, but it’s also very motivational for all the stakeholders. This message should be repeated frequently and consistently to make people feel the genuine purpose.

How Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) Work: The chief financial officer is a member of the C-suite, a term used to describe the most important executives in a company. Alongside the CFO, these roles include the chief executive officer (CEO), the chief operating officer (COO), and the chief information officer (CIO). Becoming a CFO requires a certain degree of experience in the industry. The majority of people who end up in this position have advanced degrees and certifications, such as a graduate degree in finance or economics, and the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation. It also helps to have a background in accounting, investment banking, or analysis.

The CFO helps select skilled staff for the finance team and works with departments to allocate budget for human capital management. CFOs put complex data — current, past and predicted financial results — in perspective and help the CEO make sound financial decisions: Should we introduce this new product or service? Can we afford to on-shore our supply chain? What are the tax implications of our employees working from anywhere?

To make you understand it in simple words, let me explain it with an example. Suppose there is a website that allows people to buy and sell products. This website has a smart contract that governs how the transactions will take place. When someone wants to buy a product, they will send a request to the smart contract. The smart contract will then check if the person has enough money to buy the product. If they do, then the transaction will take place, and the product will be sent to the buyer. If the person doesn’t have enough money, then the transaction will not take place.

As independent internal auditors, we compile in-depth audit reports that convey insights on both known and unknown risks and vulnerabilities in order to protect your business. We hold a niche in capital project auditing and in assisting start-ups with outsourced Internal Audit services.

The last two to three decades have seen a paradigm shift in the lives of almost everyone. The Internet and the web particularly have given a whole new meaning to the way we communicate and interact with each other. Web1.0 was all about connecting people and devices. Web2.0 was all about connecting people with each other. Recent years have seen the development of Web3.0 which is an entirely different ball game. Web3.0 is all about connecting people with machines and devices to create a more efficient and trustworthy internet. This new web is built on the back of blockchain technology which allows for decentralization, transparency, and security. One of the most exciting applications of this technology is the DAO or decentralized autonomous organization. With everything Web3.0, some concepts are harder to understand than others for now. With increased adoption, they will enter the mainstream sooner.

The answer is to bring in a qualified CFO to work closely with the CEO or business owner. The CFO must embrace the vision, but also translate this into the operational and financial framework to achieve success. Dealing effectively with stakeholders is another key function. This includes managing expectations, presenting financial information, and understanding the varied and legitimate interests of owners, creditors, and lenders.

Do you want to hire your first CFO or wanting only some interim coverage? We offer solution CFOs for immediate short term objectives and longer term engagements. Adaptable with fair pricing so you solve the needs of your business and don’t have to rush into a potentially bad solution and expensive full time hire. In disrupting the traditional contracted title of CFO, Panterra Finance innovatively offers all its clients thought leadership based on international financial market experiences. Panterra Finance offers a unified international approach to businesses in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Eight centrally located offices in the USA, Switzerland, the Middle East, and the emerging African Continent, offers global enterprises Fractional and Interim CFO services backed by a team with a grasp of dynamic world trends. See extra info on Sam McQuade CFO.

Best investing opportunities Dubai

Best investing opportunities Dubai

High quality investment group UAE : Hossein Abdolamir Mahallati is a well-known businessman and entrepreneur from the United Arab Emirates. His interest in luxury and expensive goods was fueled by his upbringing in the family’s jewelry business. He was born on November 24, 1985, in Dubai, into a family of jewelry. He graduated from the International Gemological Institute (IGI) in May 2007 with a diploma in polished Diamond Grading. His initial enthusiasm eventually turned into a passionate obsession, which helped him rise to prominence in the jewelry and high-end watch industries. Mahallati’s appreciation of priceless jewelry and watches is a prime example of his luxury appreciation. He is amazed by the intricate artistry that goes into making these magnificent objects, from the brilliance of diamond bracelets to the intricate gears of Swiss timepieces. Owning a rare item of jewelry or an expensive timepiece is an opportunity for him to adore something truly unique. This is not just a status symbol. Whether it’s a vintage watch or a modern diamond necklace, he enjoys the feeling of owning something rare and beautiful. He exhibits his affluent taste and constant admiration for life’s finest pleasures in his extensive jewelry and watches collection. Find additional information at investment fund in Dubai.

Entrepreneurship is a process of creating new things. It can be anything from a product to a service, or even an idea. Entrepreneurship has been around for centuries, but it is now more popular than ever before. Entrepreneurship has always been about innovation and initiative. Now with the rise in technology and the internet, there are many more opportunities than ever before. Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching, and running a new business. It is about having an idea for a product or service and then starting a business to pursue that idea. Entrepreneurs are willing to take risks in order to make money or achieve their goals.

As one delves into the story of Hossein Abdolamir Mahallati, born in Dubai, on November 24, 1985, is piqued by the passion and drive that this man possessed.Born and raised in the United Arab Emirates, Mahallati’s family background in the jewelry industry sparked his fascination for the finer things in life, particularly exquisite timepieces and fine jewelry. What strikes one about Mahallati is his deep appreciation for the craftsmanship and skill that goes into creating such luxurious items. For him, owning a precious piece of jewelry or a high-end watch is not just about flaunting status, but about possessing something unique and extraordinary that brings immense pleasure and joy.

Hossein Mahallati’s ability to combine tradition, inventiveness, and modernity is evident in Caelos. He seeks to reinvent luxury jewelry’s significance in today’s culture with his original and stunning designs. His custom jewelry designs capture an opulent, ethereal sensation that transcends time. Even the most picky consumers will find Caelos diamond jewelry of the highest calibre. They offer a wide range of jewelry items, such as earrings, bracelets, and necklaces. With Hossein Mahallati in charge, Caelos is poised to make a lasting impression in the world of upscale jewellery. It is a brand unlike any other because of its flawless fusion of traditional values and modern design. Find extra details on

He is a dynamic businessman who has successfully added real estate investments to his portfolio to diversify it. He is a savvy investor who has amassed many properties around the world thanks to his acute eye for opportunity. Investing in The Trove, a trendy restaurant in the centre of Fashion Avenue in the Dubai Mall, was one of his most recent endeavors. This restaurant provides a delightful dining-in experience. He keeps making waves in a variety of industries and solidifies his reputation as a prosperous and innovative businessman. This is thanks to his varied approach to business. Hossein’s unwavering commitment to growing his footprint in the real estate industry shows that it has a special place in his heart. Despite his accomplishments, Hossein keeps a grounded perspective and is laser-focused on his goals. He keeps up the relentless job of building his business empire and is constantly looking for fresh opportunities to invest in and grow. Hossein is one of the most accomplished and recognized business leaders in the city. The reason for this is his unyielding tenacity and keen sense of opportunity. His desire to establish and develop assets that not only improve the neighborhood but also open up lucrative prospects for himself drives him to always look for upcoming opportunities for expansion and investment.

Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance on fractional CFO advantages today

Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance on fractional CFO advantages today

Sam McQuade about interim CFO benefits in 2023: A chief financial officer is a top-level executive. The CFO is a financial controller who handles everything relating to cash flow, financial planning, and taxation issues. A CFO is often the highest financial position and the third-highest position in a company, playing a vital role in the company’s strategic initiatives. Financial reports completed under a CFO must adhere to financial standards. People interested in becoming a CFO must have an academic and professional background in finances, economics, and/or analysis.

Developing the Interim and Fractional CFO Concept with Experience: From the inside looking out, Sam McQuade continued to sharpen his skills and nurture the ideas and mission of Panterra Finance. He spent time in the executive suites of Dell, as a Finance Manager and a Financial Planning and Analysis Manager where he achieved a 400% revenue growth in the Swiss market. Other stops in corporate suites, each of which shaped the final innovative services offered by Panterra Finance. See extra information on Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance.

With technological advances disrupting job descriptions, the organization will have its share of fear and resistance. Given the close collaboration between finance and information technology, the CFO is in a unique position to anticipate the future needs of organization and help mentor people with their reskilling into other growth areas. What else do you think CFOs can be doing now to adapt to the future? I’d be very grateful if you provide your comments and share your thoughts. Thank you!

Forecasting: Importantly, CFOs don’t only report what is — a significant part of their value to an organization is their ability to accurately predict likely future outcomes. That includes financial forecasting and modeling based not only on the company’s past performance but on internal and external factors that may affect revenue and expenses. The CFO is tasked with making sense of the various departmental level forecasts to create profit projections for the CEO and shareholders.

The main goal of a DAO is to decentralize power. In a traditional organization, the power is concentrated in the hands of a few people. This can lead to corruption and cronyism. With a DAO, the power is decentralized, and it is distributed among all the members of the organization. This makes it much more difficult for any one person or group of people to abuse their power. A better real-life example is Ukraine DAO, which is a fundraising effort to help the people of Ukraine in the current war against Russia. It collects and distributes funds to various Ukrainian charities. The funds are collected through Ethereum’s smart contracts, and they are then distributed to the charities according to the code that governs the DAO.

Fractional CFOs can help companies: Develop existing employees and hire new ones that bring essential knowledge and skills; Implement systems that will support sustainable growth; Improve visibility and analytical capabilities to convert large amounts of data into actionable information; Explore causes of revenue leakage, cost overruns, and operational friction in a growing business and develop potential solutions. A fractional CFO is also often brought into an organization to help achieve a particular goal, such as raising capital or preparing for a sale, merger, or acquisition. Most fractional CFOs have helped raise hundreds of millions of dollars of debt and equity funding for multiple companies, and have helped oversee a number of mergers and acquisitions.

Are you looking to expand your business overseas? Our experts are able to help you at any stage. We will first start by understanding your vision and global tax and cash strategy. Once aligned, we will help execute the financial, legal, compliance and talent solution activities to build your entity and team.

A lot of our clients at Panterra Finance ask us about DAOs, what they are, and how they work. So we thought it would be helpful to write a blog post explaining them. Before getting into DAO, a brief few things about blockchain. A blockchain is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger that records transactions on many computers so that the record cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the collusion of the network. Sounds complicated? Let’s take an example to understand this better. Suppose there are two people, A and B, who want to transact with each other. A wants to buy a product from B worth $100. In the old way of transacting, A would hand over the $100 to B, and B would hand over the product to A. This process is called ‘centralized’ because there is one central entity, in our case, a bank or PayPal, through which both parties have to go through to complete the transaction.

By utilizing a fractional CFO, support levels can be varied and customized to the evolving needs of the organization with the CFO’s work schedule tailored as such. Increased support can be provided at critical times reverting to a more consistent level when appropriate. A fractional CFO can bring substantially all the benefits in terms of skills and knowledge of a full- time resource, at significantly less cost. Services are provided on-site which is convenient for meetings and to perform critical work. The CFO becomes embedded and acts as part of the management team. When not on-site, the CFO can be ‘virtually’ available via modern communication tools.

Do you want to hire your very first CFO or wanting only some interim coverage? We offer CFOs for immediate very short term projects and longer term engagements. Flexible with transparent pricing so you cover your business and don’t have to get into a potentially very bad and expensive full time hire. In disrupting the traditional contracted title of CFO, Panterra Finance innovatively offers all its clients thought leadership based on international financial market experiences. Panterra Finance offers a unified international approach to businesses in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Eight centrally located offices in the USA, Switzerland, the Middle East, and the emerging African Continent, offers global enterprises Fractional and Interim CFO services backed by a team with a grasp of dynamic world trends. See even more details on