Teeth whitening dental services in 2024

Oral surgery dentist Marylebone London: Who benefits from cosmetic dentistry? Cosmetic dentistry might be an option if you have: Chipped or cracked teeth. Small gaps or spaces between your teeth. Tooth discoloration and staining. Misshapen teeth. Misaligned teeth. Can anyone undergo cosmetic dentistry treatments? As long as you have healthy teeth and gums, you can pursue cosmetic dental treatments. But if you have extensive cavities or gum disease, your dentist will want to address those conditions first. Once your smile is healthy again, you can decide which cosmetic treatments you want to explore. Cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving the appearance of your smile. There are many treatments available, ranging from simple to complex. Talk to your dentist about your specific cosmetic goals so they can design a treatment plan that works for your budget and lifestyle. Discover more details on veneers dentist.

Composite crowns: Made of synthetic resin, composite crowns can easily be made to look like your own teeth. They too are good for people allergic to metals. Compared to other crowns, composite crowns do not last as long. Other popular crowns include the following – Porcelain crowns: These crowns are durable, stain-resistant, and have a natural appearance. They are also less likely to cause tooth sensitivity. However, they are more likely to chip or crack than other types of crowns. Metal crowns: Metal crowns are made of metal alloys such as gold. They are stronger than porcelain, which makes them ideal for replacing molars or for use in people who grind their teeth. They are resistant to cracking and chipping. One disadvantage of metal crowns is their appearance; they can also cause an allergic reaction in some people.

Tooth-whitening strips will help get rid of tooth stains. These strips are very thin, virtually invisible, and are coated with a peroxide-based whitening gel. You wear them a few minutes daily for a week or more. Results are visible in just a few days, and last at least a year. The results with strips are not as dramatic as with whitening kits, but the strips are easy to use and pretty much foolproof.

Every effort is made at 75 Harley Street to make the patients journey as smooth and easy as possible. From the first phone call or email inquiry from a new patient, to the final appointment, the results of the dental treatments we provide are celebrated by our patients and team alike. We aim to provide the best experience that is tailored to the patient and pride ourselves in exceeding our patients expectations. We are proud of our hard earned success and our credible reputation amongst our fellow professionals and patients alike. We can only put this down to our immense dediciation and interest in our chosen paths and also our genuine empathy and sympathy for our patients with an innate desire to help and improve their quality of life. See even more details at https://www.75harleystreet.co.uk/.

Get dental treatment in a timely manner. Dental conditions never correct themselves on their own. Tooth decay left untreated can easily transform a small cavity into a large tooth abscess. Where a tiny filling may have been all that was needed, it may now require a root canal and a crown. Treating your tooth decay early means you’ll need smaller and less invasive dental restorations. This helps maintain the structure and stability of the tooth and keeps treatment costs lower. If left untreated, decay can spread to other teeth and may cause infections throughout the rest of your body.

For some people, the fear of dentistry is so great that it prevents them from attending the dentist for regular maintenance such as 6 monthly exams and hygiene visits. They will attend only when in pain, which in turn will reinforce their fear. We are sympathetic to these feelings and can offer ways to overcome the fears with different techniques. Relaxation is a way in which we can teach our brain to be in control of the body not vice versa. When we are faced with something we are afraid of, our bodies produce substances which raise our anxiety. Learning relaxation controls our bodies.