Top rated gold mineral water provider

Excellent anti-aging mineral water shopping: Our “Atomic Particle Extraction Process” uniquely bonds silver atoms to water molecules, resulting in a high PPM (parts per million) solution of consistently sized atomic crystal-like trace minerals. This monumental breakthrough technique transforms colloidal silver into a powerful tool for your health and wellness journey. Join us in embracing this historic achievement, which hasn’t been seen since the 1800s when colloidal silver was first introduced. GoldenGevity opens the door to a new era of wellness, offering exciting possibilities for a healthier future. Experience the difference with our pure, atomic particle colloidal silver today! Discover more info at colloidal gold. No Chemicals or Herbal Catalysts: No chemicals or Herbal extracts are ever used before, during or after the production process.

Say goodbye to toxic heavy metal buildup with our Atomic Particles. Any trapped silver atoms are naturally eliminated alongside 30 billion other dead cells within two weeks, seamlessly expelled during normal bodily functions. Distinguish between Atomic Particle mcg and nanoparticle mcg – While other products may boast higher mcg, they often contain massive heavy metal nanoparticles, which can lead to long-term toxic buildup in the kidneys, liver, pancreas, and other metabolic stabilizing glands that will cause an unforeseen variety of health issues.

Rejuvenating properties – Colloidal Gold has a soothing and harmonizing effect on the body, mind, and spirit and also known to promote a feeling of increased energy, will power, mental focus and libido. In cases of chills, hot flashes, and night sweats, the body’s temperature stabilizing mechanism is restored to balance by colloidal gold. Enhanced moods – It is used to improve mental and emotional well being of people suffering from anxiety, depression, frustration, and sadness. Improved cognitive function –Studies reveal that colloidal gold acts as a natural stimulant for the cells of our body. This property improves the transmission of electrical signals between the nerve cells in the brain and increases mental alertness and boosts concentration.

Yang has discovered a new method that allows us to look at the effects of silver on water from a more zoomed out perspective; an advanced imaging technique called single-cell particle tracking photoactivated localizing microscopy. This new imaging technique allowed Yang and his team to watch and track particular proteins found in E. coli bacteria over a longer period of time. What they discovered during these tests was staggering. They found that over time, the silver ionization actually worked to increase the speed of the protein dynamics. This was a surprise to the team, as they assumed the microbial effects resulted from a slowing down of the protein synthesis. In fact, what they discovered is that by speeding up the proteins, the silver ions were causing strains of DNA to separate and eventually fall off, leading to the microbial effect.

Energy boost – As a dietary supplement, colloidal gold may provide an energy boost or even improve libido. How much colloidal gold should you consume? The FDA does not provide a specific recommendation for how much colloidal gold people should take. Therefore, dosages vary widely across studies and individual preference. But the consensus is a teaspoon of colloidal gold per 70 pounds of body weight. This depends on a variety of factors, including age, preexisting conditions and general health.

Gold’s significance stretches beyond its physical allure; it is deeply woven into spiritual texts and traditions. Described in the Holy Bible as adorning God’s throne room, gold’s presence in heaven signifies its divine quality and its ability to enhance spiritual connection. Our product taps into this ancient wisdom, providing you with a supplement that aligns your mind, body, and spirit, facilitating a closer connection to the divine. See even more info at

Supports burn and wound healing – Colloidal gold may promote cellular generation, which aids in healing surface wounds, burns, and even deeper tissue damage. That’s part of why it’s such a prominent ingredient in many topical skincare products and extracts. Not only that, but it’s been shown to have antibacterial properties, which decreases the risk of infection. Topical usage may also help treat rashes and certain skin conditions such as Eczema.