Day: April 20, 2023

Arbetsliv juridisk rådgivning senaste utvecklingen av Alexander Suliman, Sverige just nu

Arbetsliv juridisk rådgivning senaste utvecklingen av Alexander Suliman, Sverige just nu

Avtalsrätt juridisk rådgivning guider med Alexander Suliman, Stockholm just nu: Lagval är en viktig aspekt av avtalet du förhandlar: samma avtalsklausul kan tolkas olika i olika jurisdiktioner. Engelsk lag, till exempel, tenderar att ge en mer bokstavlig tolkning av de exakta orden som används, medan vissa andra jurisdiktioner ger mer vikt åt kontraktuellt sunt förnuft. Andra begrepp som varierar mellan jurisdiktioner inkluderar i vilken utsträckning parterna kommer att omfattas av skyldigheter i god tro och huruvida vissa kontraktuella rättsmedel kommer att anses vara “påföljder” och därmed omöjliga att verkställa. Beroende på jurisdiktion kommer ytterligare klausuler att åläggas avtalet genom lag, till exempel i samband med konsumentskydd eller personskada. Du kanske därför vill tillämpa en specifik jurisdiktions lag beroende på olika faktorer såsom var de andra parterna befinner sig, tillhandahållande av tjänster/leverans av varor eller lagar som är mer fördelaktiga för din verksamhet. Förutom på specifika områden som anställningsförhållanden eller konsumentavtal, är parterna i allmänhet fria att välja vilken EU-lag som ska tillämpas på deras avtal. Upptäck ytterligare info at Alexander Suliman.

Anledningen till att EU-kommissionen var angelägen om att tillåta företag att frivilligt skanna material är att teknikföretag redan har arbetat med sätt att upptäcka CSAM och värvning under ganska lång tid. Till exempel rapporterades det redan 2012 att Facebook skannade ovanlig meddelandetrafik på sin plattform för att identifiera äldre personer som värvade minderåriga. Microsoft har utvecklat teknik för att söka efter CSAM på sina servrar, och erbjuder till och med detta som en tjänst. Mer nyligen, i augusti 2021, tillkännagav Apple ett initiativ i nya versioner av iOS, som var avsett att kontrollera unika fingeravtryck (hash) av kända CSAM mot bilder på din telefon, innan de skulle skickas till iCloud Photos (Apple fick en hel del av pushback och i slutändan försenade planen).

Ett tvärpolitiskt grupp av ledamöter av Europaparlamentet, med stor fransk representation, har vägt in för att stödja det franska förslaget på ENISA. Medlemsstaternas reaktioner har å andra sidan varit blandade. Sju av dem – Danmark, Estland, Grekland, Irland, Nederländerna, Polen och Sverige – lämnade in ett icke-dokument till Europeiska unionens råd där de ifrågasatte behovet av suveränitetskrav i de nya cybercertifieringsstandarderna och efterlyste ytterligare studier av deras potentiella interaktion med den allmänna dataskyddsförordningen (GDPR), förordningar om icke-personuppgifter och EU:s internationella handelsförpliktelser. Dessutom har dessa regeringar eftersträvat en diskussion på politisk nivå om ämnet i rådet innan de nya standarderna är slutgiltiga. Flera branschorganisationer, inklusive tyska BDI och europeiska finansiella clearinghus, har hört av sig.

Under det senaste året har Europeiska unionens ambitiösa den digitala regleringsagendan har stadigt utvecklats. EU antog de långtgående lagarna om digitala marknader och digitala tjänster, och det slutför förhandlingar med USA om en reviderad ordning för dataöverföring, döpt till Transatlantic Data Privacy Framework (TADPF), som krävdes av Schrems II-domen av Europeiska unionens domstol (CJEU). Denna utveckling har haft en betydande inverkan på de transatlantiska ekonomiska förbindelserna, och till och med stimulerat lagstiftningsinitiativ om integritet och antitrust i USA. Man skulle kunna tro att en lösning av sådana kontroversiella ämnen skulle skapa förutsättningar för en lugnare, mer harmonisk fas i den transatlantiska teknikpolitiska relationen.

Bäst IT-verksamhet juridisk rådgivning strategier från Alexander Suliman, Sverige: Bör jag medla i mina familjerättsliga frågor? Absolut. Du bör medla dina familjerättsliga frågor, oavsett om det är frågor om skilsmässa eller frågor efter domen. Medling är ett utmärkt sätt att nå en lösning utan att spendera massor av pengar och utan att gå till domstol ett gäng gånger och bråka vänster och höger om varje fråga. Nyligen hade jag ett ärende, och det såg ut som att det var på väg mot rättstvister, och parterna stod verkligen långt ifrån varandra i varje fråga. De hade ekonomiska frågor, som involverade fastighetsinnehav, affärsintressen, aktieoptioner, pensionskonton, och parterna kunde inte se öga mot öga i någon av dessa frågor. Tidigt i processen diskuterade min motståndare och jag att gå till medling, och vi valde en bra medlare, och våra kunder gick med på att gå till medling, och bokstavligen, inom tre sessioner av medling, löste vi fallet. Vi löste hela ärendet, vilket skulle ha tagit över ett år och kan ha varit en tiofaldig kostnad för att processa. Parterna kunde komma på kreativa lösningar med vår hjälp, naturligtvis, och medlarens hjälp, som domstolen aldrig skulle ha implementerat i ett fall som detta. Läs mer info på Alexander Suliman, Stockholm.

Excellent World travel destinations by Maroof Miyana

Excellent World travel destinations by Maroof Miyana

Top rated World travel attractions from Maroof Miyana: In Table Bay, World-Heritage-listed Robben Island is a haunting reminder of the horrors of apartheid. Nelson Mandela spent 18 years imprisoned in a tiny cell here along with other political dissidents and social misfits. Perhaps the best part about this experience is that ex-prisoners are usually the guides, sharing poignant first-hand accounts of the atrocities they endured. Tours to the island begin with multimedia exhibits in the museum at the Nelson Mandela Gateway in the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront. Sightseers then board boats to Robben Island, often braving rough swells on the 30- to 45-minute ride. Be sure to book early, as the tours can fill up fast. The sweeping waterfront promenade called the Golden Mile is a legendary Durban tourist attraction and a great starting point for a tour of the city. Long blond beaches lure swimmers, surfers, and anglers, while the bustling promenade feels like Miami Beach with its high-rise hotels, shops, restaurants, and flashy entertainment complexes. Find additional details at

Nestled beside the Red River, Vietnam’s enchanting ancient capital, Hanoi, is jam-packed with wonderful things to see. Key attractions and centuries-old legacies are clustered in clearly defined historic districts, with the most popular being the evocative Old Quarter, a compact, a square kilometer of ancient merchant quarters, dating back more than 500 years – something not to miss on your vacation in Vietnam. Since the 15th century, each street specialized in specific craft merchandise of which it was named after; even today, some of these charming streets still specialize in that original product or the modern equivalent, from tombstones to silk. Take a stroll or cyclo ride through this endearingly chaotic quarter, a fascinating glance at Hanoi’s daily life played out on the streets and soak up key sights that include merchant ‘tube houses’ and 11th century White Horse Temple. Be sure to stop-off at one of the gorgeous artsy cafés and street food eateries.

Maroof Miyana’s essential World destinations 2023: Being North Africa’s highest mountain range, High Atlas is popularly known as the mountain of mountains. This place is a paradise for trekkers, especially from spring to autumn. It runs diagonally across Morocco for approximately 1000 km, and its saw-toothed Jurassic peaks act as a weather barrier. Out of all the best places to visit in Morocco, this one is so beautiful that it will take your breath away! Get your hiking shoes out and set off on a journey you’ll remember for life!

Erg Chebbi, near to Merzouga, is a dramatic 50-kilometre-long series of sand dunes. Reaching up to 150 metres’ height in places and with a width of five kilometres, the large dunes offer a spectacular experience in the Moroccan Sahara. Camel treks through the dunes and to local Berber villages are popular. A historic citadel, the majestic Ait Benhaddou is located close to Ouarzazate. On the edges of the desert, the picturesque UNESCO-listed village has been used as a shooting location for a number of films. Although many previous occupants now live elsewhere, a walk through the maze-like citadel shows how people used to live in the past. The multi-level dwellings, with the lower levels reserved for livestock, and merchants’ homes are all built from mud. Read extra details at Maroof Miyana.

Sa Pa is a town in northwest Vietnam not far from the Chinese border. Rice terraces can be found in the Muong Hoa valley between Sa Pa town and the Fansipan Mountain, on a backdrop of thick bamboo woodlands. Local mountain people, the Hmong, Giay, Dao, Tay, and Giay, grow rice and corn on these paddy terraces, along with vegetables.

Maroof Miyana’s best World travel destinations today: If you’re short on time, Kayak is pretty useful. That’s because you simply enter where you want to go, and it aggregates results from multiple different sources. While it means you never book directly with Kayak, it does mean you get results quickly and without having to search around yourself, even if you will feel a bit overwhelmed with adverts while you search. The site itself looks a little basic, but under the hood is a surprising number of different filters (although no accessibility ones to speak of) and all the critical information you could require, although obviously you’ll be sent to another site for the full details. The site also has a deals section, which has some great bargains for things you can do once you reach your destination, along with cheap car rental deals. It might not be pretty, but if you simply don’t want to do the groundwork yourself, Kayak has you covered. It can be a real time-saver, and we reckon it’s particularly useful if you’re mostly researching possible trips in the future and want rough price estimates. Just watch out for the fact you can’t bundle in car rental deals.

The town has its own ‘Whale-crier’ that walks along the coast blowing through his kelp horn telling visitors of whale sightings. It is fun walking around town or sitting in a coffee shop and running to the edge of the nearby cliffs when you hear the crying of his horn. Bintang’s Cave is one of the restaurants with the best location I have ever been to, have a drink at a table on the rocks and with some luck see whales swimming just a couple of meters away. Good places to see whales from the shore in Hermanus: In the West Cliff area, close to the New Harbor; Fick’s Pool, Dreunkrans and Windsor Bay are popular whale watching spots, in town; the Old Harbor and Gearing’s Point with great views of the ocean are good spots. Driving down Main Road towards the beaches (north-east) turn-off to Die Gang or stop at Kwaaiwater or Siever’s Point one of the best whale lookout points on the route. The Voëlklip and Grotto beaches are also good for whale spotting from the rocks.

Top fauteuil reinigen stevig België

Top fauteuil reinigen stevig België

Fauteuil reinigen diensten 2023: Naast het reinigen van bureaustoelen, zijn wij ook gespecialiseerd in het hygiënisch reinigen van ander kantoormeubilair. Zoals wachtkamer- en vergaderstoelen, bankstellen in kantines, vloerbedekking en tapijten. Bijvoorbeeld in de ontvangsthal van uw kantoor of bedrijf. Waarom bureaustoelen en kantoormeubilair laten reinigen door TNCLEAN? Hygiënisch schone bureaustoelen reduceren het ziekteverzuim; Ziektekiemen en bacteriën worden voor 99,9% gedood; Gezonde werkruimte voor uw werknemers en bezoekers; Professionele meubelreiniging verlengt de levensduur. Ontdekken extra info op deze website fauteuil reinigen België.

Boot interieur laten reinigen op locatie in Nederland: Een boot is een kostbaar bezit. Een schoon en fris ruikend interieur draagt bij aan de uitstraling, maar natuurlijk ook aan het onderhoud van de boot. TNCLEAN is jouw expert in het reinigen van alle soorten boot interieurs en bekleding. Natuurlijk komen wij daarvoor op locatie. Het laten reinigen van boot interieur is daarnaast beschikbaar in heel Nederland. Het onderhoud en de reiniging van boot interieur is belangrijk. Zo ben je zeker van een hygiënisch schone en frisse verblijfsomgeving. Een professionele dieptereiniging van het bootinterieur, zorgt ervoor dat deze er weer als nieuw uit komt te zien. Met een grondige reiniging door TNCLEAN kunnen stof, vuil en vlekken niet in de bekleding trekken. Daardoor behoudt het interieur zijn mooie uitstraling én voorkomen je nare geuren en luchten. TNCLEAN verzorgt de volledige dieptereiniging van het boot interieur op locatie.

TNCLEAN is gespecialiseerd in het reinigen van alle soorten stoffen bureaustoelen. Zeker binnen kantoorruimtes en kantoren wordt dit meubilair intensief gebruikt. Huidschilfers en andere schadelijke bacteriën hechten zich vast in de stof. Dit heeft een ongezonde werkruimte én een verhoogd ziekteverzuim tot gevolg. TNCLEAN staat voor u klaar. Naast het reinigen van bureaustoelen, zijn wij ook gespecialiseerd in het hygiënisch reinigen van ander kantoormeubilair. Zoals wachtkamer- en vergaderstoelen, bankstellen in kantines, vloerbedekking en tapijten. Bijvoorbeeld in de ontvangsthal van uw kantoor of bedrijf.

De geur én de vlek zo snel mogelijk laten verwijderen is dus belangrijk. Zeker als je geurtjes van braaksel of urine én vlekken, kringen of verkleuringen in je bank wilt voorkomen. Naast een innovatieve reinigingstechniek, maken we bij TNCLEAN ook gebruik van een speciaal ontwikkeld reinigingsmiddel om urine, vlekken van uitwerpselen van huisdieren en braaksel uit de bekleding van meubels te verwijderen. Wij reinigen jouw bank natuurlijk aan huis.

Inspectie: de inspectie bestaat uit het controleren van de mate van bevuiling van het auto interieur. Op deze manier bepalen we de meest effectieve reinigingstechniek. Voorbehandeling: de interieurbekleding van de auto wordt voorbehandeld. Zo kunnen zelfs hardnekkige vlekken en vuil worden behandeld en verwijdert. Dieptereiniging: zodra het reinigingsmiddel zijn werk heeft gedaan wordt er gestart met de dieptereiniging. Vuil water wordt opgevangen in onze reinigingsmachines. Impregneren*: na de auto interieurreiniging brengen wij een impregneerlaag aan op de bekleding van de auto. Deze beschermt tegen vlekken en overmatige bevuiling. Het auto interieur is na het impregneren eenvoudig te onderhouden. Drogen: de bekleding van het interieur moet 24 uur drogen. Daarna profiteer je van een hygiënisch schone autobekleding zonder vlekken, vuil, stof of vieze geurtjes.

In onze webshop vind je een ruim assortiment reinigings- en onderhoudsproducten voor jouw meubilair. Daarmee kun je de stoffen of leren bekleding van jouw meubels ook tussen onze professionele reinigingsbeurten in zelf reinigen en onderhouden. Er is niets zo fijn als een schoon en fris bankstel of meubilair. Dat begrijpen we maar al te goed. Maak daarom vandaag nog een afspraak voor één van onze diensten. Zoals het reinigen of impregneren van stoffen bekleding, tapijten en vloerkleden, matrassen of trapbekleding. Vraag gratis een vrijblijvende offerte aan of maak direct een afspraak! Lezen aanvullend details op deze website

Een smetteloze eerste indruk voor uw bioscoopgasten: Een dagelijks routinematig onderhoud is niet voldoende om hardnekkige vlekken te kunnen verwijderen. In veel gevallen zijn bioscoopstoelen en theaterstoelen gemaakt van zacht pluche. De vezels zijn gevoelig voor huidvet, gemorste dranken en andere vlekken. Het regelmatig laten reinigen van theaterstoelen draagt ook bij aan de levensduur van de stof. De stoelen in uw bioscoopzaal of theaterloge blijven langer mooi en zijn minder gevoelig voor slijtage. Professionele reiniging is een investering die zich altijd terugbetaalt.

Creative team building solutions in Singapore today

Creative team building solutions in Singapore today

Unique team building solutions Siloso Beach, Sentosa today: Team-building activities can also reveal which types of employees work well together. For example, if your team-building event involves entry-level employees from several departments, you can take notes about which departments collaborate effectively, which may make future inter-departmental project teams more efficient. Developing confidence: When employees succeed in team-building activities, they may develop more confidence. This may help them feel more comfortable with their coworkers and encourage them to share more ideas at work, which may improve their team’s overall workflow. Confident employees may also have increased trust in the abilities of their coworkers, which can lead to more independent employees. Read extra details on unique team building Singapore.

Car Wash Relay team building game: Each team receives large car wash sponges. Teams take turns dipping the sponges into a bucket of water at the start of each lane and have to run the soaked sponge down to an empty bucket at the end of the lane to fill it up. Objective : This team building game can help your employees get to know each other better and motivate them. Sun, sand and the sea! While it can be all fun and play, our engaging and highly interactive activities are designed to empower and encourage participants to practice the power of teamwork, encouragement and creative thinking. Remember, TEAMWORK makes the DREAM WORK!

Ping and Pong challenge team building game: Teams are given 2 cups and 4 balls. The trainer will split the team into 2 and place the cups about 1m away. Throw the ball into the cup. When everybody gets the ball into the cup, they will clear the challenge. As they will be standing facing each other, psychologically they will think that it’s a competition between each other. That will cause pressure to individuals and they will make mistakes and take longer time to complete the activity. Trainers will then try to facilitate them and guide them that the activity is actually not about winning the other players in the same team but working together as a team to clear the challenge.

Traffic Jam team building game : Traffic Jam is a real ‘Brain Buster’ that requires a lot thinking and communication. This challenge is very similar to a human chess game. The group is split in 2, with both sides working together to complete the challenge. Cooperation and planning are essential to complete this task. Split participants into two smaller groups (Side A and B). Both groups must line up vertically (one behind the other) with A facing B and vice versa. Everyone should have a cone next to them with a free space in the centre separating the two sides. The goal of the game is to get side A to side B and Side B to side A, all facing forward.

Scentopia is latest tourist attraction at Siloso Beach, Sentosa. We aim to focus on Singapore’s unique floral heritage and assist tourists and locals in creating their Signature scent based on their personality. Our dedication to innovation led us to create a fully digitised & touchless perfume making bar. The perfumery is also Augmented reality enabled with 300+ free to use art work in the metaverse. Explore the wonderful world of aromas! Join our innovative perfume making bar and indulge in digitised perfume making in Singapore. At Scentopia Sentosa, we ask you to take a deep dive into Asian floral heritage and be amazed by the therapeutic benefits of orchids. Join us today at Scentopia to explore the plants that are an essential part of Asian culture, food, rituals, and celebrations. Read additional details on

Vibe with nature at Sentosa’s secondary rainforest : As mentioned earlier, Sentosa is a tropical island. Hence, it is not surprising that this place has several golden beaches that sit metres away from gardens, lush forests, freshwater ponds, and waterfalls. So, if you would like your field trip to be all about nature, Sentosa is a brilliant place to be. To enjoy all of nature’s glory in Sentosa, select vibrant venues like the famous Siloso Beach Resort. This resort is an eco-friendly place with natural spring water pools and an overall relaxing vibe. Aside from beaches, zoology museums such as the Sentosa Nature Discovery park are great venues for hosting educational excursions. These types of museums in Sentosa usually offer indoor or outdoor nature exhibits that feature birds, butterflies, bugs, and lush gardens.

For teams and classes seeking to learn, Sentosa also offers a number of great venues for cultural immersion and quiet introspection. Fort Siloso, for instance, is a popular place for walking explorations and education field trips because it is the only well-preserved World War II coastal fort in Singapore. A hike along Sentosa’s Coastal and Imbiah trails can also provide you with many different learnings and experiences. Unique exhibits and attraction including the new ones like Scentopia : Historical museums and adventure parks are the usual venues for corporate outings and school field trips. However, if your team or class is looking for a unique and fun way to carry out your field trip, Scentopia’s perfume tours and augmented reality exhibits are the ones you should try in Sentosa.

What types of forest bathing sessions are there? Forest bathing sessions in Singapore are often held one-on-one or in small groups with a qualified forest therapy guide. Alternatively, for a well-rounded experience, forest bathing in Singapore is sometimes combined with other wellness practices like tea ceremonies, meditation, and yoga. Where can one experience forest bathing in Singapore? There are countless exciting things to do when visiting the island of Sentosa, including forest bathing! A low-impact activity, forest bathing at Scentopia, Sentosa is an immersive tour experience that includes a clue-finding activity using augmented reality. As part of corporate team-building activity, a group size of between 10 to 30 pax can experience the benefits of mindful smelling through the forest bathing team bonding at Scentopia, Sentosa.

Human Entanglement team building game: Participants build the human knot by connecting hands with two other persons in the group, starting in a circle. They must then work together to untangle themselves without breaking the chain of hands in order to unravel the” human knot.” This activity has a number of advantages. I ten courages effective communication. Objective : Your staff will get stronger as a team by relying on one another to achieve a common goal.

Increase in Motivation: Taking part in something new and exciting such as a team bonding exercise increases staffs motivation as they know that they are being cared for and will be rewarded for their good work. This increase in motivation should help improve productivity levels, morale and confidence in each others ability. Leadership Qualities Identified: Employers and managers can identify leaders within the workforce while taking part in team-building activities as they take control of problem-solving tasks and positively work with and encourage other members of the team. While taking part in a team game such as ‘Blindfold Shape Game’, leaders will communicate effectively with everyone and find solutions to get the correct answers.

A Crypto Tale by Enzo Zelocchi revealed and it’s planned to be released in 2024 – a crime thriller in the crypto world

A Crypto Tale by Enzo Zelocchi revealed and it’s planned to be released in 2024 – a crime thriller in the crypto world

New Enzo Zelocchi movie green lighted for development: A Crypto Tale: A story based on true events where a group of criminals have been targeting victims using dirty, corrupted Los Angeles Sheriff deputies to kidnap and rob victims in the Los Angeles area. In the heart of Los Angeles, a new type of criminal had emerged – the crypto criminal. These criminals were tech-savvy and had found a way to exploit the rise of digital currencies to their advantage. Their modus operandi was simple but effective. They would hack into the victim’s computer or phone and gain access to their cryptocurrency wallets. Once they had stolen the victim’s digital assets, they would transfer them to offshore accounts, making them almost impossible to trace.

The investigation revealed that the gang had been using sophisticated hacking techniques to gain access to their victim’s wallets. They had also been using social engineering tactics to trick their victims into revealing their passwords. The investigation led to the arrest of several gang members, but the mastermind behind the operation was still at large. It was suspected that the mastermind was operating from overseas and was using the gang in Los Angeles as his foot soldiers. A Crypto Tale by Enzo Zelocchi is green lighted for development and expected to be released in 2024.

Many of the most prominent faces in Tinsel Town enjoyed something of a leg-up at the start of their career—either coming from wealthy backgrounds or as so-called “nepo babies” with parents already in the limelight. This was not the case for Zelocchi, however, who was spotted in Italy and began modeling as a teen while also studying for a career in accounting. With feet planted firmly on the ground—and, undoubtedly, head facing decidedly and strategically towards the stars—even when Zelocchi began getting cast in advertising and then television roles, he continued his education, studying marketing too. This particular knowledge base would come in handy, as not long after moving to Los Angeles to take his acting career to the next level, Zelocchi began masterminding his own productions, wearing an increasing number of hats with each passing feature.

Few will have missed the recent hype about No War, a staggering film set in recently war-torn Ukraine, following the daring escape of CIA agent John and Ukrainian child refugee Malen’kaya as they try to outrun the Russian military in a brutal post-apocalyptic landscape. However, what many may not have realized is that Zelocchi not only starred in the film’s leading role but also wrote, directed, and produced the project—a rare achievement indeed. Unusually, it is nothing new for Zelocchi to take credit for so many roles on a single film. In fact, he’s been drawing critical acclaim for just that since his breakthrough masterpiece My Little Princess in 2010, which explored the story of a father and his terminally-ill daughter as they navigated treatment within the American healthcare system.

Clearly, when it comes to pushing boundaries, Zelocchi is always undaunted. There can be no better example of this than in his latest release, No War; an emotionally charged and pulse-racing story set in contemporary war-torn Ukraine. Once again, Zelocchi stepped into the roles of writer, director, leading man, and producer—ensuring that every aspect of his vision was realized on the cinema screen. While other movie-making entities tend to function as slow-moving ships, often taking years to move from initial concept through to completion and release, that’s not the case for Zelocchi’s self-driven modus operandi. The sheer pace of the mastermind’s creative process is made clear when we consider that he took No War from initial concept to release within a single year, not to mention, within the very same year that the war itself that serves as the story’s backdrop broke out.

Enzo Zelocchi producer

Enzo’s latest project is not in the entertainment scene, but the healthcare situation in the US. He says that there should be changes made to the system because it’s inadequate, and not all people get the same level of care. A-Medicare is the latest solution to this growing worldwide problem. Using artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain technology, Zelocchi hopes that the platform will serve as the leveling ground for everyone to be healthy with better services, advanced technologies and lower healthcare prices. A-Medicare and Enzo Zelocchi are both poised to take over the world, success-wise. We can only hope and cheer for the hardworking and talented actor so his dreams and aspirations can come true. See additional information at Enzo Zelocchi.

Meet Enzo Zelocchi and some of his thoughts: Enzo Zelocchi is a rare, multi-faceted, and talented individual who has served various roles in the entertainment industry. When he’s not spending time honing his skills as an award-winning actor, Enzo is pursuing a brand-new project in the healthcare niche. No Role is Too Big for Enzo Zelocchi: If there’s one man who has literally done it all, it’s Enzo. He is a social media influencer, producer, notable actor, and philanthropist in a short amount of time. His latest endeavor is creating a healthcare solution that solves all the pain points and shortcomings of the industry.

The latest Enzo Zelocchi – Midnight in Paris gets a lot of positive press: How did you get into acting, writing, and producing? I wanted to win awards and create. So everything started when I understood the importance of time, branding and marketing. I don’t like to wait around for a phone call, I want to be the phone call that people are waiting for. I like to create my own opportunities and maximize every possible venue. As an actor, you need good material to work on, so I decided to start writing and I was blessed enough to have won several awards for best writer and best screenplay. But a good script with a good actor needs a strong producer to put everything together and amplify everything with mastery.

Enzo has experienced a lot of success, and he says that this serves as a springboard to greater inspiration and work. In the realm of social media, the actor believes that quality is better than quantity. As for those who aim to get millions of followers and views, Zelocchi says that you will have to motivate people, be kind and inspire them on every post you make. The multi-talented individual further says that brand and image consistency is very important in order to establish oneself as an icon and influencer.

Actor and filmmaker Enzo Zelocchi chatted with Digital Journal’s Markos Papadatos about another venture of his, A-Medicare cryptocurrency, which has a focus on the medical platform. He is on track to becoming the next generation of Jeff Bezos meets Elon Musk. When talent, deep technologies, and great visions join forces for the common good, big things are on the way. This is the case of actor and producer Enzo Zelocchi. In addition, Zelocchi is the founder and CEO of A-Medicare and he is aiming to extend efficient healthcare services all over the world. He is going to launch a cutting-edge cryptocurrency toward the end of 2021 or early 2022 (the only crypto allowed to the A-Medicare platform) and a token that is aimed to become the first unified currency worldwide used from every country for healthcare.

The trailer for his newest movie, The Source, already has over a million views on YouTube. The two-minute teaser has over 15,000 likes and with Academy Award-winning actor Joe Cortese starring in the movie, it’s set to make a huge splash. His mastery of social media is Zelocchi’s real superpower. With his 4.1 million Instagram followers, Zelocchi can make his own movies go viral by just posting about them. His 1.2 million Facebook followers and over 465,000 Twitter followers don’t hurt either. Zelocchi put his followers into action when his trailer for The First Secret got 24 million views on YouTube in March 2020. A unique combination of movie-making mastery and social media sensation, Enzo Zelocchi is the one to watch in 2021… and beyond.

Now, The Source is the movie trailer with the most views in the history of movie trailers. What fulfills you most about what you do? Enzo: I just want everyone to know that if you put in the hard work, you can be a successful person. Being successful doesn’t mean you make a million dollars. You could be a successful teacher, or writer, whatever makes you happy with whatever skills God gave you. Sometimes I get these great DMs saying, ‘Thanks to you, I believe in myself.’ Thanks to me? I’m just being me. These things make my heart be happy more than success in movies. See even more info on producer Enzo Zelocchi.

Zelocchi spoke about working with master photographer Bjoern Kommerell. “I love that guy,” he said. “Bjoern knows how to direct you and he gets me. The quality of his work obviously is way above average. He is top-notch, and one of the best. He has a great heart, he is a loving person and he genuinely cares. He loves to capture random moments and I love how he plays with lights. His amazing talent is being able to capture the ‘real you’ in the moment. Bjoen is one of a kind.” For his fans and supporters, he said, “You surprise me every day, especially when I receive certain fan messages that impress me and move me. I feel really honored and touched in my heart.”

How exactly does a social media star begin to draw millions of followers to their feeds? What does it take to attract 200 million viewers to a single video on Instagram? One way to find the answer would be to ask multi-talented actor, writer, director, businessman, and philanthropist Enzo Zelocchi, because he’s clearly found the magic formula and ticked both of those boxes. As his latest cinema release No War coincides with the launch of his all-new American healthcare company, the term “mastermind” is hard to avoid.