Chinese residents US immigration lawyers guides
Chinese residents US immigration lawyers guides
US immigration lawyers guides for chinese residents: Learn the benefits of taking an English proficiency test, such as the IELTS, TOEFL, or Duolingo English test, and then practice to improve your score. Cybercrime is one of the biggest risks that you are likely to encounter in the United States. Make sure that your accounts are safe from hackers. Engineering is one of the most popular STEM fields studied and practiced by immigrants in the U.S. Discover how to find employment through this career field. Then, determine if it is right for you. Before you go on job interviews, learn how to leverage your international education and work experience in the U.S.
Compare recommendations by discussing your green card application with multiple immigration lawyers: Although most good immigration lawyers can be very busy, you should be able to talk to them and their office staff to understand their commitment to their clients and their overall style and honesty. Before choosing someone to represent you, talking to several lawyers will provide you with some basis for comparison, and some law firms offer the first free consultation. It will give you the opportunity to “feel” various lawyers to understand their personality and work philosophy to determine if they are right for you. In some cases, obtaining a second opinion may reveal that the first immigration lawyer did not fully understand your case or law, or attempted to use your money for something that was impossible or unethical.
Note your credential evaluation on your résumé, in your cover letter, and during job interviews. It helps employers understand your background, making you stand out as a stronger candidate. Keep a complete record of your job search! Save every job posting in a separate file on your computer, or print it out. That’s because it will be deleted after the posting is closed. Job interviews are all about preparation. Learn about the six interview types so that you will be ready to anticipate the situation. That way, you will give an exemplary interview. During an interview, you will be asked if you have any questions. It is good to have some prepared, to show your interest. Here are five questions you can ask at any job interview. Discover additional details at
For our chinese visitors:
Green Card Legal 是一家总部位于曼哈顿中城的律师事务所,由拥有多年移民法律经验的几位资深律师共同创建。与传统律所不同,Green Card Legal更专注于留学生/华人群体的移民申请,并通过大量和美国移民局互动的实际操作案例和数据模型分析预测了申请的难点和趋势。Green Card Legal的很多客户都来自中小规模公司,律师针对他们的不同职位、专业和公司情况定制个性化申请方案,最大化提升了绿卡申请通过率。Green Card Legal的服务内容包括: EB-1A杰出人才绿卡、EB-1C高管绿卡、EB-2/EB-3职业移民绿卡等等。他们团队的律师在绿卡领域从业近10年,可以用普通话、粤语和英文与客户进行沟通,在客户中的口碑非常好,在律师测评网站AVVO上的评分也很高。Green Card Legal 收费价格非常清晰,部分服务还支持分阶段付款。使用过Green Card Legal的移民服务的客户表示Green Card Legal的律师在移民领域经验非常丰富,为客户准备的移民申请材料也很细致周到。工作人员服务态度很好,对目前的移民政策和制度也了解得非常全面。特别是微信客服随时都能联系到,能够及时解答用户的各种疑问。
工作绿卡(Employment Based Green Card),顾名思义给予在美工作人士的绿卡,所以它的获取流程是这样的:获得工作签证在美合法工作(通常是H1-B, L1-A,L1-B) -> 提交工作绿卡申请。工作绿卡分为EB-1,EB-2,EB-3,EB-4和EB-5。其中,EB-5是投资移民,EB-4是给宗教人士和在美军部队服役或美国政府海外机构的工作人员等特殊职业的,EB-1给杰出科研人才的,EB-2给硕士或者博士,或者本科但拥有至少五年相关工作经验的人士的,余下的在美工作人士就归于EB-3了。 在网站上阅读更多信息 绿卡.
咨询意见信真实性不够高: 申请O-1时需要从领域内的权威性组织或个人处获得咨询意见信。如何准备↓咨询意见信需要有明显的水印或其他明显的标记,显示文件的真实性,以免引起移民局的怀疑。咨询意见信在下面三种情况下可以不用提交:你在艺术领域具有杰出能力,你的雇主在两年内曾经为类似的申请提交过咨询意见信。这种情况下,你的雇主需要提交豁免申请以及之前的咨询意见信的副本。你可以证明没有相关组织或权威人士能够出具咨询意见信。情况紧急,比如马上就要来美国参加某项活动,可以不用提交咨询意见信